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Day 23: Setting Mindful Resolutions

SoulfullyAButterfly December 26th, 2023

This month, 7 Cups launched video and audio therapy! To celebrate, we’re doing 25 days of Gratitude, Self-Care and Personal Growth. Read more here.


It is that time of the year where we often set lofty goals that dissolve halfway through the next year. This pattern can lead to frustration and a sense of failure. It is where mindful resolutions come into play. Mindful resolutions are thoughtfully created intentions, grounded in the awareness of our present selves and what truly matters to us, highlighting the journey rather than just the destination.

When you approach your resolutions with mindfulness, you become more aware of your thoughts and actions. This consciousness allows you to set practical, achievable goals that truly align with your values and aspirations.

Here are some practical tips to set mindful resolutions:

1. Live in the Present: Instead of always focusing on the future, concentrate on the present moment. Make resolutions that improve your present, making each day better as it comes.

2. Set Realistic Goals: Don't burden yourself with unattainable or too many goals. Choose a few that are important, and focus on making those achievable and practical.

3. Embrace Self-Compassion: You might stumble during your path, and that's okay. Embrace self-compassion, recognizing and accepting your imperfect journey.

4. Value the Journey: The focus should not solely be on reaching the end goal. Ensure you value the journey, appreciate the small victories, and learn from the setbacks.

Activity: “Mapping Mindful Resolutions”

Take a sheet of paper and create three columns:

1) In the first column, write down what you want to achieve in broad areas such as health, career, relationships, personal growth, and so on. 

2) In the second column, break these aims into smaller, realistic goals. These should be things you can work on daily or weekly. If your overall aspiration is to be healthier, a practical goal could be 'drinking 8 glasses of water every day' or 'walking for 30 minutes daily.'

3) In the third column, identify why these goals matter to you. This ‘why’ serves as motivation and will bring more significance to your resolution.

After setting these mindful resolutions, engage in regular check-ins with yourself. Reflect on the wins and learnings from setbacks.

In the end, each mindful step you take forward, no matter how small, is progress.

Discussion Questions:

1. Have you ever set resolutions that were unrealistic or not truly meaningful for you? How did that impact you?

2. How do you envision the practice of setting mindful resolutions influencing your life and wellbeing? Feel welcome to share your activity responses in the comments below.

KatePersephone December 26th, 2023


1. Have you ever set resolutions that were unrealistic or not truly meaningful for you? How did that impact you?
I do not think I have, no.
2. How do you envision the practice of setting mindful resolutions influencing your life and wellbeing? Feel welcome to share your activity responses in the comments below.
I feel like they will help me accomplish realistic goals and not feel too low if things do not go as well.
VIVI1989 December 28th, 2023


  1. Yes, i have. It caused me detriment as it gave me unrealistic expectations of what i could do. I ended up feeling bad about myself, because instead of taking little steps to improve, i immediately jump on the big guns, and obviously never managed to do the resolutions.
  2. Setting mindful resolutions that are realistic will, i think, do me good, as if the resolution is realistic, i will be able to do it, i will feel good about it, and i will continue on doing it.