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Challenges To Focus On

User Profile: soulsings
soulsings Tuesday
  • What kind of things are challenging to you right now?
  • What is something you would like to focus on to make progress  coping with this week?

Taglist Updated 2/16/25 @3timesLeo @4Jasmine @Admirablerainbow2825 @adventureawaits777 @adventurousBranch3786 @Alaskanskies @AlexMbale @allen99 @allnaturalWillow7138 @alysianna @ambitiousGlobe3422 @ambitioushope1234 @ambitiousHickory9113 @amiablePeace77 @Ashy123 @Astralboy @augustine1304 @balderasdavid799 @BeamsOfHope00 @Beepyy @bence2 @bestThinker1986 @BipolarBear1983 @BlackyDragon @blissedNblessed @bluelemon6419 @bobw @bouncyFireworks3811 @blueAcai236 @BPDBadee @Brittanny17 @brightOcean1599 @candybubblegumsprinkles @calmcoral @CaringSub @CatHanderOutNoah @Catunion @charmaeausty @charliebee1121 @ComfortablePeace2121 @courageouspanda2006 @courageousPomegranate766 @courteousKite6821 @creativeCar5713 @creatingHealthyOutcome @crimsonCoconut1711 @crimsonPapaya @crystalclearnow @cyanVase4070 @CyclingThroughLife @daydreammemories @deborahdebbie @dlynn88911221 @Desmynn6789 @DkIfINeedHelpOrSleep @dysfunctionjunction1224 @Echoheart7236 @EllyMerelyn @emotionalpal710 @emotionalPenguin4374 @empathicPresence9091 @EmpoweringSam @endure777 @energeticThinker6924 @enthusiasticAcai2032 @enthusiasticBeach8170 @enthusiasticTortoise6681 @exuberantStrawberries9544 @FaithMagic @fearlessCup8704 @F1shD0g  @FleurdeNeige @FlowerEV777 @FracturedPurple @Fradiga @fruityPond7887 @Genlistener @geribear @Gettingbettertoday @Ghasaq997 @GlitteryHearts @glowingPresence86 @energeticThinker6924@GoldenNest2727 @GothamRam @gregariousField7151 @GreyorFelix @gva1audi @happyness @hardworkingBeechwood6063 @heartstopper13 @helloPineapple2451 @helpfulDime0407 @Henry2000 @Hereforyouall144 @hopefaith2011 @imaginativepear6493 @ingeniousLove9924 @intuitivepixie1331 @Itzcharlotteg @JanMad87 @Jordan1872 @k87 @Kenn13chan @kindcircle3085 @kateeew @Kaydeee @kindRiver6 @kohandlen @Kristian1 @kristynsmama @Lauren63 @Leahm9703 @LillyPad12345 @LisaMeighanMBPsS @lostwithouther97 @lovelycoacoa @magneticDreamer6447 @mariah2009 @Marita7391 @meaningfulSilence @meeeeee @meowcat1216 @mia4819 @Mich765 @mindtalk @miraculousTouch2949 @miresama @modestTangerine2193 @MoonMomm @MoreThanJustMe @Mscooper2789 @myloveee3 @mytwistedsoul @navyAcres6073 @nessa104 @NotAllHere713 @oa4me @Oceansky93 @OneErased @onkia122 @orangypie @pamharley003 @paperBird3348 @patientwater @peacefulRainbow05 @peachyOctopus9691 @PhilosophicalModel @PiecesOfWhoeverIWas @pinkpolkadots @PinkTriangle133 @pioneeringHuman7775 @politeGrapefruit179 @pompom @PurpleHearts7 @purpletree4652 @Pvoigt @Qoqnus @QueerChaos259 @rachelkb123 @raddogme @Rainboho @Randumuser1 @redirecting @reguna reservedOwl6476@fighton @reservedPark4029 @resilience2025 @RMaunil @Rod88 @RogueOne1983 @sandie @Scarletpear1945 @ShapeshiftSystem @SilverSeastar @SleepingFoxAkari @slothgurl17 @SnaryPoppins07 @softParadise1540 @soulsings @SparklyFly @sorrowedbunny1256 @SpongeBob2021 @Squidward @StarGaze10o01 @StarryCandy6123 @stephbrent @SugareeIsMe091121 @summerkay2024 @tallWalker4850 @TealPhotog @ThadSterling @theroadisbright @thesoda @thoughtsbubbleexpress @ThoughtfulMomma @tifecandy @tinywhisper11 @tiredbubble00 @tjitalia @toughLand5970 @treefrog1234 @txrmentedSxul @UniversalSmile @warmheart0890 @WentToBruv @waves @WorriedMagpie @WorkingitThrough2 @YellowTiger5674 @yzzil @zeffa @Zeraphim @Zsazsa524

User Profile: TealPhotog
TealPhotog Tuesday

This week I would like to make progress in building my coping toolbox, for dealing with triggers that I can’t avoid. 

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@TealPhotog hugs you tightly ❤

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User Profile: TealPhotog
TealPhotog Tuesday

@Tinywhisper11 thank you, very much needed and greatfully returned 🫂

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@TealPhotog ❤❤

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User Profile: soulsings
soulsings OP Tuesday

@TealPhotog sounds like a good place to start.

User Profile: Zeraphim
Zeraphim Tuesday

@TealPhotog Great awareness of your needs and coping ahead for the challenging but necessary things to get through. You're doing amazing taking such initiative. I hope your coping toolkit ends up working well for you and takes you far 😊

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@soulsings I just think right now I need to work on alloottt of self care, so I started making a fairy garden 😁

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User Profile: soulsings
soulsings OP Tuesday

@Tinywhisper11 what is a fairy garden?

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@soulsings I got a large planter pot, so far I'm making a little house for the fairies to live in😁 and building a bridge😁 then i haven't thought what else to make next, but I think I'm gonna just buy the fairys cause I'm gonna put it outside😁

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User Profile: soulsings
soulsings OP 3 days ago

@Tinywhisper11 oh fairy garden - now I undersetand. 

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User Profile: TealPhotog
TealPhotog Tuesday

I love fairy gardens! Self care is always a good challenge to choose!😊

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@TealPhotog ❤❤❤

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Hi, Sings,

  • What kind of things are challenging to you right now?  feel understood
  • What is something you would like to focus on to make progress  coping with this week?  Just relaxing

User Profile: Rainboho
Rainboho Tuesday

@soulsings Find happiness in something each day, especially on the challenging days. 🙏❤️☺️


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User Profile: soulsings
soulsings OP 3 days ago

@Rainboho good idea, day by day.

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User Profile: Boon4U
Boon4U Tuesday

@soulsings I'm facing the challenge of returning to my studies and daily activities. due to some issues, I got off track and now need to reset my timetable.

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User Profile: soulsings
soulsings OP 3 days ago

@Boon4U good luck getting back into the routine.

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User Profile: Boon4U
Boon4U 3 days ago

@soulsings Thankyou:)

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Raising teens, especially one who self-harms. 😢 I don’t know what else to do as a mom to help her with her emotional burdens, but I do try to talk with her and constantly remind her that she’s loved.

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User Profile: soulsings
soulsings OP 3 days ago

@secondhandhippie I am sorry to hear your teen self harms because I do not know how to help people with that habit. 

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User Profile: Zeraphim
Zeraphim Tuesday

What kind of things are challenging to you right now?

Struggling to focus, to prioritize, to manage my time, my anxiety, stress, emotions. To plan ahead. To read. To know what I want. To find the courage to pursue it.

What is something you would like to focus on to make progress coping with this week?

Maybe if I meditate more often, it would help me focus so I can know how to improve things. Writing things down like a mind map to sort myself out, perhaps.

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User Profile: soulsings
soulsings OP 3 days ago

@Zeraphim I am a fan of lists and puttilng things on the calendar. Practicng mindfulness when I am feeling okay helps me to better deal with things when they are not okay.

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Still working on my view of myself.

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User Profile: soulsings
soulsings OP 3 days ago

@courageouspanda2006 me too it is a life long process

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User Profile: Fradiga
Fradiga 3 days ago


The challenges I face are mostly physical. I have no idea if it is going to get better either.

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User Profile: soulsings
soulsings OP 3 days ago

@Fradiga those are the ones that can be a hindrance as we try to do the things that once were easy for us. I can relate to that. Aging is a serious disruption of what I thought was normal.

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User Profile: amiablePeace77
amiablePeace77 3 days ago


At the moment I am facing a physical challenge (allergy), otherwise I don't feel challenged.  Something I will focus on this week is more self-care (mostly skin).

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User Profile: soulsings
soulsings OP 2 days ago

@amiablePeace77 sorry to hear that you face a challenge but sounds like you are coping with it

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