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Welcome to The Church Cares!

Jamen1 July 7th

We see great potential for caring, supportive ministry through this community. 

HopieRemi July 9th


Is this community related to this

AffyAvo July 12th

@HopieRemi I'm pretty much in the dark about this community too, but I found this link which mentions 7cups -

Seems like the 2 sites are different groups as far as I can see.

HopieRemi July 13th


Sounds like the one you linked is the right one then. Just by the looks of it, it does sound like something meaningful and useful. I will reserve judgements until I see what the community brings. 

vowedmama Friday

Glad to see the interest among 7cups folks.

The Church Cares is a collaborating organization with 7 cups.  So people within 7 cups who are connected to a church community can use their 7 cups account and training to help live people in their local church community.  This is a new collaboration so we would welcome ideas from experienced 7 cups listeners- how do you think you could use what you do here to connect with a local in-person church community you are part of?

QuietMagic 19 hours ago


Hi, thanks for clarifying what this community is!

Honestly, I think the "The Church Cares" community is currently at a disadvantage compared to many other communities on this site in terms of being able to make an impact and help people, for a few reasons.

1) Most communities on this site are self-explanatory

If I go to the "Depression" community, I know beforehand that the primary/target audience is "people experiencing depression" and the value proposition that the community is offering is "emotional support and resources/information related to depression". If there's any confusion, most active communities also have "About" and "Resource" sections where people can quickly understand the purpose of the community and quickly find self-help for problems they're experiencing.

When I come to this community, I don't immediately know what "The Church Cares" is, who its target audience is, or what value it has to offer me or other people. The "About" section is blank. It takes some digging to find the post within this thread explaining what the community is. It takes several more clicks, navigating to an *external website*, and *opening up a video* to find actual information/support that substantially furthers the purpose of this community.

2) Most communities on this site are secular/non-religious

95% of communities on this site are non-religious. The only exception I can readily think of is Religion & Spirituality. When I first saw this community, my initial reaction was confusion/distrust simply because I'm not used to seeing a religious community. Other users have had a similar reaction.

This sort of goes back to the 1st point. This community is so unusual that the stakes are even higher in terms of needing to clearly explain the purpose of this community, who it's designed to help, and immediately offering something valuable that people can use.

3) Most communities on this site are organic

Communities tend to be run by users who have been active on 7 Cups (and specifically active in the 7 Cups forums or group chatrooms) for a while and are familiar with the site's culture, norms, and terminology.

4) Most communities on this site have a broad user base

If I'm understanding, the targeted audience for this community is people who are:
a) Christian
b) AND regularly attending church
c) AND seeking to minister to others within their local church
d) AND seeking to minister to others *specifically* by offering mental health support/resources

That feels like a pretty niche audience. Do people who fall outside this audience still have an opportunity to participate or benefit in some way?

Example #1: I don't self-identify as a Christian (I fail the very first checkbox lol), but I'm interested in many religions including Christianity, and I'm curious about the connections between Christian spirituality and mental health. I also regularly offer support to people who are Christian, which makes it important for me to understand how to operate within a Christian worldview and respect its assumptions.

I'd love to learn more about things like pastoral care, mental health ministry, and the unique opportunities and challenges that come with offering psychological support within a Christian context. Maybe there are things that would be especially helpful for listeners to keep in mind if they're supporting someone who is Christian? Are there any universal themes that apply across all sects/denominations of Christianity? Differences between sects/denominations in best practices for applying mental health support? I'd love to learn about stuff like this.

Example #2: I do not have a personality disorder, but I'm currently a leader for the Personality Disorders community and have been able to do a lot of good because of the flexible/inclusive philosophy of that community. Many of the people who post in the Personality Disorders community do not have diagnosed personality disorders, but they feel an affinity with themes of certain disorders and are still able to receive support. Many of the resources within the Personality Disorders community are designed to be helpful or informative even if someone doesn't have a personality disorder. Often people will come to the community asking for help in understanding or supporting loved ones with personality disorders. The community has a target audience, but people outside of that target audience are still able to participate and benefit.


Some ideas for growing this community and making an impact:

1) Be clear/communicative about what your purpose is, who you're aiming to help, and what you have to offer that will help people and give them a reason to visit and participate in this community.

2) Consider expanding your target audience, or if not then clarify what your relationship is to the many users on this site who will fall outside of your target audience.

3) Observe other active communities on this site and replicate some of what they're doing (e.g. discussion threads, resource threads, icebreaker threads, dedicated leaders).

4) Leverage your special connection to 7 Cups site leadership to ask for guidance/assistance.