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Relapsed on meth after months of sobriety.

Dad2Carson0319 September 18th, 2022

I guess I can start with hi my name is Edwin and I struggle with addiction along with other things but we all have our issues. The main reason I'm writing this would be to share my current hardships. Long story short I started using meth at 17 years old when I met my at the time 37 year old girlfriend because I thought it would be Kool. Boy was I mistaken. I've been struggling with it ever since. Recently tho I was able to finally stay clean and sober for a few months and it was great up until I relapsed a week ago. Now I want to get clean but don't have the strength to do it alone. Especially when my girlfriend has no intention on quiting. I know I should remove myself from the situation but I really wish she would get clean with me. Plus I really have no place to go. My lisence are suspended and I don't have a vehicle or a job. There's obvious solutions to my problem I know that but if anyone has any experience with situations like this one I would love to hear about how you got over it please and thank you🤗

innateJoy9602 September 19th, 2022



I'm sorry to hear about your relapse.

I just want you to know that having bumps in the road is okay.

Please try not to be deterred. Remember that we are here for you.

All the best wishes on your healing journey<3 💛💫

compassionateCar7091 September 20th, 2022

I think it first starts with your will to want to get and stay clean, i applaud you taking the first step, your not alone in your situation with a SO that uses. I think you can do this and be an example by staying clean and eventually your girlfriend will see the change in you and will come to terms of her using on her own.

Insertnamehere82 September 25th, 2022

Hi Edwin. I really hope you are doing okay… if your partner isn’t willing to try and get clean with you, please consider removing yourself from this relationship and getting clean and finding someone willing to share life without destructive addictions holding you both back. Just sounds like she might be a bad influence on you while you are still struggling with your own healthy desire to get clean. Wishing you success in finding your path.

sooty41 September 25th, 2022

I admire your bravery and courage, my friend. I have hidden my issues for 3 years because of the shame. You are asking for help, which is the first step. Are there any community support groups near you who could help ? You may have to be firm and ask that your girlfriend doesn't use around you, if she is not ready yet to stop. Addiction is so cruel, it offers a so called solution that turns into an even bigger nightmare.

I recently read, that we become addicted to substances because we are missing or needing something in our lives. A basic need is not being met....maybe food for thought. Take heart from the fact that you have beaten it before and you can use those same inner resources to beat it again. You will also know, that addiction is a huge liar and whispers all sorts of lies, like you can give up next week, this once won't do any harm, I am in control, etc. Reaching out for support is brave, you know that the meth is lying to you. You have proven that you are stronger. It may take some time to feel that strength again but i have total faith that you can and will do it.

Addiction can come with a lot of shame, so please remember that you are not weak, or broken or any such thing. You are the rest of us and that means ...mistakes.

You deserve love and care and i send you so much positivity for your healing journey. I have complete faith that you can do it. Take THE best care of yourself x

tornwillow September 26th, 2022

You are so strong and can get through this.

Keep focus on what matters to you most and rely only on yourself as regardless, unfortunatley it is only you who can make it happen.

Surround yourself by positive and beneficial support and remember the hardest is done......the best is yet to come.