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User Profile: Patienceiscool
Patienceiscool February 16th, 2024

TW :: V@PES 

Hello my name is patience and i haven't used a v@pe for 2 years and finally I relapsed again and I feel like i need some support 

User Profile: HannahSupportBuddy
HannahSupportBuddy February 17th, 2024

Hi there Patience, I'm Hannah! Welcome or welcome back to 7Cups, we are so glad to have you here today! I am so sorry that you've got a late reply. Seems like you're going through a tough time.
It’s commendable that you’ve been vape-free for two years, I admire that a lot as a past vape user. I'm proud of you for reaching out, it's very courageous of you. I'd like to let you know, relapses can happen, and it’s essential to recognize that they don’t erase the progress you’ve made. It's hard finding the motivation after you're back in that cycle, and I understand that wholeheartedly. Seeking support during these challenging moments is crucial, and you already doing that is a huge step towards success!  
How are you feeling right now, is there anything specific you'd like to talk about? Just to let you know, I will not judge you and will lend you a listening ear, no matter what. : )