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I have a high pressure software job and severe adhd

considerateSpruce6517 January 28th, 2021

As I’m sure you can gather from the title. I have a stimulant addiction. But I also have a medically necessary reason to have them with my adhd. I’ve tried tapering off and alternative medications but it all comes down to the same thing every time. My work performance suffers so strongly that I risk losing my job and then I would be in a much bigger problem. I just want to not need them as my crutch but I can’t stop them. When I lost my insurance and ability to get my adderall I started buying armodafinil as a cheap substitute from online Indian pharmacies. I just hate feeling like I’m not in charge of the controls anymore. It feels like I’m John Malkovich in the movie Being John Malkovich. I can see everything happening but I’m not consciously controlling it. I could reach out and stop at any time but doing so would throw my life into turmoil.

Asher January 29th, 2021

Thank you for sharing this with us here.

versatileTiger7134 March 27th, 2021

Meth was my drug of choice for a while. i got off of it got sober 3 months and my adhd was harming my grades and work performance so i got back on my adderall. Everyone told me i shouldn’t but i of course i didn’t listen. Long story short very quickly cravings for meth hit and eventually started smoking it again. I hope you ain’t thinking of getting back on it. Your not alone in this man. Theres help out there. I wish you the best stay safe.

determinedPenny6684 April 9th, 2021

Thank you for your message because I’m feeling exactly the same. I wish I could just hit pause on my life and start fresh , back to before taking adderall

bernardand June 29th, 2021

No wonder you meet these problems. The job is really difficult

matsukendg June 29th, 2021

You know, I started to read a different informative article about web and application development on and now I am even thinking about the creation of my own app. I still don't understand totally is a nice idea or not, but I really want to try. Although after reading posts like yours I start to hesitate because I understand it's a really time-consuming and quite a nervous job.

adaptiveRecipe5203 September 27th, 2021


It's really, pretty hard and hard work. I sometimes create scripts for gaming applications and everything. Further work is beyond my power. In this case, I use a resource like TechReviewer. Here I can find a company that specializes in the area that I need at the moment. There's a lot to choose from.

piligrimmscott October 11th, 2021
Man, I believe that your job is pretty stressful. It's hard to please everyone's needs when some people don't even know what they want.
slev1111n December 9th, 2021

I agree that software development can be quite hard when you have to deal with it every day. It was difficult for me to come up even with one software, so I had to contact specialists. And I'm glad that my software company did a quality assurance test in the end because I've heard that some companies neglect it.

StrRock December 14th, 2021

The same solution here. Thanks.

ZakICarey December 14th, 2021

You can't have a problem with that if you have a printer. If not, go to any mall, they will definitely help you. Anyway, this is what I use, namely which helps to achieve a positive result. When editing videos and photos there is no more useful saving tool than this, so I use it still.

gerardodavis February 9th, 2022
From time to time there is not enough person to whom I can speak out.
knotevry1scupofTea February 11th, 2022

Adderall has ruined my life. Counting down the days until my next script is due. Spending days in bed because I can’t move or function from the “come down”. Most of all, I’ve his this addiction for years.

Erikahickory07 September 7th

Hi. I know this is 3 years old, but just wondering if you ever quit taking your adderall. I was in the same situation as you until about 6 weeks ago when I was basically forced by family to quit because things got bad. Now I’m struggling to not get my refill because daily life is a struggle without the adderall!

BillyTrex July 13th, 2022

Interesting discussion. I would like to learn even more about how videos are analyzed and what software is used for this?

orangeKitten6681 February 8th, 2023

@BillyTrex Software is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks. It is the opposite of hardware, which describes the physical aspects of a computer. Software is a generic term used to refer to applications, scripts and programs that run on a device. It can be thought of as the variable part of a computer, while hardware is the invariable part.

TinyBon July 13th, 2022

In fact, it helps a lot of people predict the finals of a match or is used in various computer games! If you are interested, you can read about video analysis in sport, so you can learn a lot about it, including what it is used for! I hope this information helped you! I wish you a successful and good day!

orangeKitten6681 February 8th, 2023

Software is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks. It is the opposite of hardware, which describes the physical aspects of a computer. Software is a generic term used to refer to applications, scripts and programs that run on a device. It can be thought of as the variable part of a computer, while hardware is the invariable part.

AndylavenderEyes9519 February 8th, 2023

Hi, I saw you discussing programming and software development, it's a very cool topic nowadays, I'm a beginner, and I'm hoping for some advice from people who understand programming. I'm also interested in it and want to study it in the future, but now I need professional help for my project, my friend recommended me I see you are experienced programmers, maybe you have worked with them? I will be grateful for the feedback!!!