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Trigger Warning: We witnessed demons leaving my son’s body. I don’t know how to process this.

Sasha0202 November 12th, 2023

trigger warning content for spirits and out-of-body experiences

My son hasn’t had a drink since October 16th. He had bought a shot last night but had already decided to get rid of it, but I happened to see it before he had a chance. He then went into a blind screaming rage that lasted ten minutes. I went over to him and put my arms around him and prayed. My mother prayed also. Eventually he calmed down. Mom said she saw six demons, four who just appeared and two who came out of his arms, then the six demons left out the front door. My son and mom described the exact same demons - a little bigger than him, hooded with pitchforks, black shadows. We performed an exorcism from what I could tell. After, I got the Holy water and blessed mom, had her bless me, then I blessed my son while asking God to let those be the last of the demons in my son. Can anyone help explain this?

niceSea1350 November 12th, 2023

@Sasha0202  It is impossible to explain, but for what it is worth, I can tell you that based on my personal experiences (which I refuse to talk about), your experience is valid. 

I would say to be grateful he is free of these beings, know that your courageous love caused them to flee, and he should focus on gaining all forms of strength: mental strength (give attention to anything that uplifts, and shift focus from anything that does not, accepting that God is in control, and these experiences provide a sense of purpose in life, as a challenge to overcome with God's grace), nutrition, exercise, and spend a lot of time in nature (that is where I experience the greatest presence of God's glory).  

It was brave to share this.  Wishing you continued faith, strength and courage. 😇💖

Sasha0202 OP November 12th, 2023

Thank you for your kind words. I pray that never happens again. It was terrifying.

niceSea1350 November 12th, 2023

@Sasha0202  It absolutely is.  I am SO happy that you both got through it!  Sending lots of love your way.  🥰

Lauren63 November 12th, 2023

I was subjected to something similar when I was young, so it is a huge trigger for me. I feel as though it should be handled more properly.

Sasha0202 OP November 12th, 2023

Sorry, I should have put a trigger warning.

niceSea1350 November 13th, 2023

@Sasha0202  I so appreciate and admire people that take responsibility for triggering others, have the courage to admit what they should have done differently, and then start doing that, with new, positive behaviors going forward. 

Thank you for being on 7cups, Sasha.  The world needs more people like you! 🥰

niceSea1350 November 13th, 2023

@Lauren63  I feel strongly that it should not even be in the movies.  I know that my mother watching Dark Shadows in the 60s, and fearing The Exorcist in the 70's, is a HUGE contributing factor in what I have experienced.  

That said, a trigger warning could have been posted.  I feel like Sasha validated my experience, when so many people have treated me like I am crazy, so while I will not talk about the details of my experience, I feel grateful that Sasha had the courage to post here.  I am really sorry you were triggered. I am so sad that people like us have experiences like these to overcome.  Sending you lots of love and strength, too.  🥰 

magnificentTurtle2021 November 13th, 2023

I think as simple humans we do not - and cannot - know all the secrets of the universe. Glad to know your son is fine :)

Sasha0202 OP November 13th, 2023

Truly if I could figure out how to edit the subject I would. I’m sorry I upset you (plural). Thank you all for being kind, especially telling me to be more careful in the future.