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Jalynn1997 August 30th

Can't seem to stop smoking. The mood swings, inability to eat and over all quality of life just go down hill when I do. It's causing problems in my life because I'm on probation and I wanna do better and be better but apparently I'm weak...very weak.

energeticLake9704 September 4th

Man I get it. I’m dealing with substance issues too. Some years ago I used to smoke weed all day everyday. I had to quit suddenly and I remember how much that messes with my head. I couldn’t sleep, mood swing, easily agitated almost no appetite and just a general feeling of restlessness. Life sucked so hard when I quit, I thought my brain was supposed to be high in order to work best, I thought I couldn’t really be okay without it. At the time I didn’t have a choice but to quit and I knew I’d start smoking again as soon as I could, so I had to ‘’sit it out’’ until I could continue my life again. But after having quit for a month or so I started to feel better. I had more energy and more clarity. Most negative effects I experienced when quitting weed were actually caused by weed, and subsided in a month or so. 

As advice I’d say give yourself a set amount of time to quit, if in those first days I had to think about quitting forever I’d have probably rather offed myself. Maybe just the classic one day at a time, I guess that’s how I lived back then anyway. Also for me personally exercise was a huge help, always made me feel better and also improved sleep. lastly stay focussed. During the time I quit I had a few secret smokes if I thought I could get away with it, this made me very tempted to just say screw it and start smoking 24/7 again. Know that accidentally having a smoke doesn’t mean anything is lost yet, a slip up is just a slip up, not a failure. Man you’re not weak, it’s just really hard. I wish you best of luck.