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Alcohol and depression

User Profile: JayNative23
JayNative23 December 9th, 2024

Hi I am Jay

I suffer with depression and addicted to alcohol. Both sides of my family are alcoholics and so am I. I was sober for a year and half then my partner and I agreed that I could drink beer and only with them. So this being said I was depressed Friday night and gave into my stress and depression chose to drink as I drank heavily while my partner was out of state. My partner and I have been togehter for 5 years and they suffered a lot with my drinking. They are exhausted from the last episode which was a couple days ago. They want to quit drinking which I agreed with our talk today and they want me to seek therapy. The only issue is they expect me to be fully off the booze and in therapy come Jan or they are leaving. I just wished they understood I just can't snap out of hey I am never drinking again because I will get the urge drink when I am depressed or stressed. I will kick it and want to kick not just for them for myself as well. I just need the love, support, and understanding this won't be an easy task as they make it out to be. Not just love, support, and understanding from my partner I will need from my family as well. I know I need better coping mechanisms for my depression and stress I want to try healthier ways to cope. I have trouble sleeping from my childhood which I use alcohol as well to put me to sleep

User Profile: JayNative23
JayNative23 OP December 9th, 2024

I am 3 days sober from my last episode I will try to continue this path I know it will be hard at times especially when I am stressed or depressed or both. I will try to keep updated on my post how many days sober I am, and if I feeling the cravings to drink but I will try not to drink I don't want to lose a lot of my loves due to my poor judgment making. I done it before where I was a year and a half sober until I thought I could handle it which I did for while but I chose to drink my problems away and that's made everything worse. But 3 days does feel good of being sober from alcohol.

User Profile: ChronicallyChanali
ChronicallyChanali December 10th, 2024

Congratulations on 3 days sober! You've got this.

User Profile: pioneeringShip8383
pioneeringShip8383 December 10th, 2024

Congratulations 3 days is a good start..

User Profile: JayNative23
JayNative23 OP December 11th, 2024

Day 4 of being sober today was a stressful and some depression day, at one point it did cross my mind but I didn't feed into my thoughts for drinking. I am proud of myself and I will keep this going day by day. Thank you all for supporting my 3 days nows it 4 and I will continue it. I am waiting to be match with a therapist and hopefully start therapy this week or no later than next week. One of my friends who don't drink offered to join him at the gym so I will be looking into that as a healthier coping mechanism.

User Profile: JayNative23
JayNative23 OP December 11th, 2024

Day 4 of my sobriety was a stressful today at work but at least today mind wasn't thinking about drinking from being stressed. Also I started journaling my thoughts and emotions on my therapy app. Also I start therapy Monday I am ready to improve my mental health and finding more healthier coping mechanisms.

User Profile: JayNative23
JayNative23 OP December 11th, 2024

Sorry meant day 5 I been busy and forgot to make a post yesterday.

User Profile: JayNative23
JayNative23 OP December 13th, 2024

6 days sober but today is a very hard day for me. I found out one of my childhood friends since we were 8 years old was shot and killed. I haven't drank but it's on my mind but I wrote in my journal, worked out, and going to cook dinner soon. I am heart broken and depressed this was 6 blocks away from my house. His brother works for me know I gotta do better to look after his brother. I am spiritual so the great please help me through this tough time it's been a long week for me and now 💔😭

1 reply
User Profile: sunshineRino3686
sunshineRino3686 December 15th, 2024

You are experiencing hard time but you are not alone. Therapy is really helpful to overcome grief.

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