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Issues with Alcohol

Gibby1313 January 21st, 2022

I started drinking when I joined the military. It got out of hand but I didn't care. I was 18 the first time I drank and I didn't know my limits. Well fast-forward a few more years, and I still didn't. My tolerance grew higher and higher. I thought it was something to be proud of. I was "out drinking" grown men and thought it was cool. I was assaulted while under the influence and that should have been my wake up call but it wasn't. It honestly just made it worse. I started drinking in the morning, during work and throughout the night to feel better. I moved to new duty station and tried to have a clean slate. I was fine at first because we were under an order that prohibited drinking for the first 2 months I was there. Well, the first night we were off of that order there was a party. I figured I could have a couple drinks and be fine. And I was. But it started becoming a regular thing. Then I started drinking by myself again. One night I was at a party, they placed a bet of $100 to whoever could drink a large bottle of liquor. No one would do it, and I seen this as an opportunity to look cool. I drank the bottle in under a minute and felt fine. That. That was my wake up call.

I don't drink hardly at all anymore. If I drink it's usually wine coolers and I limit myself to 2. And even then, it's very rare. I won't lie and say I don't miss it sometimes because I do. It made me confident and that's something I lack a lot of. But at the same time, how can I miss something that was so harmful to me?

Bre4Me January 28th, 2022


It sounds like you traveled down a rough road but you're in a better place now. I'm happy to hear that. Do you have any advice you'd like to share with others who are battling for their sobriety? Sometimes helping others helps us more than we ever know. Keep up the good work. It's hard but it's definitely worth it.