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Ideas to help when around alcohol, that is our only social scene, last life I had and present isolated.

Dogsaregreat44 September 6th, 2022

Hello, very recent non drinker myself from 30 years of being “one of the lads” and drinking in Australia is a huge thing, especially when I live in the country with our only form of social life (well only one I had- have known evolves drinking and bbq). Last night was my first time at the pub not drinking and telling people.. surprised ++++++++ how it was taken by my drinking buddies guys and gals.. EVERYONE said well done.. I told them wasn’t for life (but I think it has to be, as 1 is too many and 1000 beers never enough.. I was last to leave and didn’t finish until no drinks left) but until nye..

i don’t really have any advice as also very new to this world, I do know that I felt proud of myself for saying no to ALL offers and being able to be in that place where I thought non drinkers not welcome.. turns out I was wrong and they seemed to still like me and want to be friends without a drink.. that sounds very school yard tacit mentality yet heard so many people say those who don’t drink are x, y or z.. happily surprised and a lot more confident that I can do this.. it was taking over my life and at 43, realising that almost all the bad things ever occurred involved drinking.. not always my fault but it seems it was the only constant in all situations..

I am looking forward to when i look back nye and not want a drink.. we’ll 🤞🐾🤷🏼‍♂️ That’s the plan..

Wishing you a fantastic day or night and I am going to try to come onto this site each day or close to.. if you ever want to chat, please drop a message.. take care and I know this is not any real help but wanted to say hi..

p.s. yesterday had a pretty bad day, went to the pub thinking I need to get away from it all and actually drank soft drinks - lemonade.. first time ever didn’t just go straight for the bottle or other.. a start I guess??

Sorry I talk lots, and have pretty much no one, dogs are great but they are out of ideas to help 🐶🇦🇺🦘 below some of the unwanted and declared dangerous.. I can relate at times.. Ugg think that’s why I help them? 🤷🏼‍♂️🐕


innateJoy9602 September 6th, 2022



I am also very proud of you!

That’s a major milestone/accomplishment!

I’m glad you’re feeling more confident in your journey<3

I appreciate you sharing this, as it can help motivate and inspire others! <3

All the best 💛✨

Dogsaregreat44 OP September 8th, 2022

@innateJoy9602 thank you for your kind words.. I am really enjoying being on this site and it has already helped with with some impulse control, not sending emails when in my upset head times.. been able to say no again to drinking when mates come to visit.. I don’t go out much as to much hurt from humans, but weirdly enjoying talking to people (here only) again.. thanks again 🐾🌄🦘✌️🇦🇺

How was your day / night?
innateJoy9602 September 8th, 2022


I hear ya,

I am so glad you are enjoying this community!

It really is so lovely and welcoming here :)

My morning so far is great!

How about yours? 💛✨

Dogsaregreat44 OP September 9th, 2022

@innateJoy9602 thank for message, my day was a good one today, got some more things done that been putting off.. happy days 🐾✌️🦘🌄🇦🇺 🐶👍🌅

hope you have a great day / night.. chilling with the Mutz and watched Ricky g on Netflix cracked me up.. not p.c. But still funny..