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5 months sober from alc

fairmindedTalker1988 March 1st, 2022

Today is the official 5 month mark for me and I'm happy with the progress I've made. Not content but happy. I feel sometimes the pull back into old patterns but most of the time all it takes is a reflection on past experiences and the realization that my personal goals don't include alcohol. In fact they really never have. And its crazy the pull it has had on me in the past. But I'm proud of where I'm at today and I'm just taking it a single step at a time

Lifeonmars787 March 1st, 2022

Congratulations! We are proud of you, keep it up! 💖

TheHelpfulNinja March 1st, 2022


So much love for posts about self-appreciation and determination... Go you!