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Helpful Activities for Recovery
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
August 10th
...See more What hobbies or activities have you found helpful in your recovery?
Alcohol & Drug Addiction Automated Taglist!
by tommy
Last post
June 26th
...See more Welcome to the Alcohol & Drug Addiction Taglist This thread is an auto-updating list. The list is regularly updated by forum leaders and can be found below. Having issues? Reply to this thread and someone will help you! Why should I join the taglist? ✔ Never miss out on sub-community check-ins, discussions or events ✔ Get tagged and notified by community leaders whenever a new relevant thread has been posted ✔ Become a more active member of the community. What do I need to do? ✅ To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please add me. ❌ To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please remove me. ------------------------- Current taglist as of 26 August (updated by @tommy) @blueFan4699 @braveHuman6773 @jrk27 @Kitamean @PeanutButterMurph @texaswily @tommy @tornwillow @transurvivor @veronikamalik
Recovery Journey Tips
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
October 28th, 2023
...See more What tips would you give to someone who is just starting their recovery journey?
by easyNest3446
Last post
September 11th
...See more Hi everyone. I'm a minor (I wont say my age in fear of being judged) and I'm an early alcoholic. I really want to stop, but I know that since I'm already an alcoholic I'll always be one.
Starting Daydrinking Again
by quickwittedPine7815
Last post
September 11th
...See more Graduated in May. Jobless. Multiple job coaches, dozens of attempts at networking, debts piling up, No interviews and no end in sight. Dealing with chronic pain on top of everything. I've started day drinking again just to deal with the anxiety and to feel...lighter I guess. Less sad and more bubbly. When I drink I don't have to worry about being sad or depressed, I can feel giggly and fun. A part of me knows it's bad but I have no other way to cope. My usual hobbies bore me. I talk to friends but all it does is make me sad and frustrated. If I had it my way I'd buy a house, go off grid in the mountains somewhere, and drink until the sun came up. I feel like if I stop drinking I'll have no other way to deal. I'm scared of that.
Fatty Liver disease
by islandgypsy
Last post
September 11th
...See more Well it's finally happened. My 10 year  journey to stop drinking is getting very real. I just had an ultrasound Monday, 2 days after a very boozy cruise ...and the doc says I have fatty liver disease. I'm so scared. What have I done? I knew better. I've been in and out of AA and many other online groups. I had one year sober during COVID. I can't tell my husband, he will flip out. He is the one who has been really pushing me to completely stop. Woe is me.
Somewhat struggling
by aquaNorth8870
Last post
May 25th
...See more I just came back to 7 cups after a few years of flying solo. I was doing reasonably well, not drinking everyday, but the last month or so I've steadily increased back to drinking every other or every third day. I always drink til drunk but know my limit is about 4 drinks. I know what the trigger was and I suppose that's why I came back. I'm not sure how to deal with the triggers more effectively and I resort to numbing. There's not a problem that alcohol can't make worse.  I'm trying today. 
Just a sip
by SunshineIvy
Last post
January 26th
...See more I am really struggling to find a reason not to drink. At least one that I can hold on to.💔
alcohol is the only thing that helps me right now
by eternallyworthless
Last post
December 22nd, 2023
...See more I'm in so much emotional pain i don't know how to help myself anymore. I'm taking antidepressants and i'm trying to find a therapist i can talk to but it's getting so hard for me to not just drink every day so i can at least ease the pain a little bit. The stress i have to endure is just too much for me right now... I don't want to repeat myself over and over so i won't go into detail... but is there anything i can do?
Helping song
by fairmindedChestnut977
Last post
November 20th, 2023
...See more 3 days of withdrawal with no sleep but feeling good, not tired; this is encouraging.  I discovered Thrice band as a good music support : []
I’m an alcoholic.
by easyOak2669
Last post
November 15th, 2023
...See more Hi new here. I’m an alcoholic. I’ve gotten to the point where I have good days but no more then a couple weeks before I go on a bender. 
Tips to dont fall again on alcohol
by iwantacoffee2009
Last post
October 31st, 2023
...See more Hi, I'm 15 years old, I used to drink alcohol as a way to cope with all the overwhelming emotions, expectations and problems in my life, and as a way to process the grief of too many things....I'm 8 months sober...but this week it's driving me really crazy and I had a few drinking you have any tips to avoid the bottles again???....I would thank yall so much Kisses and hugs 🫂 🤗 😘 
Reaching a Milestone
by PeanutButterMurph
Last post
October 5th, 2023
...See more I felt the need to share this: Yesterday marked 60 days since I last took a drink. A lot has happened in that time, and I spent a lot of time in treatment/therapy. I have a lot of work to do still. But this time really feels different than previous attempts at living sober, and I'm excited for the next 60 days.
In love with an alcoholic
by Samickle
Last post
September 5th, 2023
...See more I’m looking for some perspective and advice. I’m in a relationship with someone who reignited what I thought was long gone… my ability to love. He’s thoughtful, generous, and just someone I can be completely myself with. …unless he’s had too much to drink. He hasn’t reached the point of hard liquor yet, only beer, but I have a fear that it isn’t far off. He is, for the most part, a functional alcoholic. He drinks starting anywhere from 10a and continues throughout the day. It began when his wife of 14 years left him for another man. A solid foundation for such a sinister addiction. I found out not long after we decided to be exclusive, so I knew what I was doing… just didn’t completely understand yet. I had already been swept away by the starting twitterpation. It started with a few crazy fights that were far too intense early on and I initially thought that it was just us. We just didn’t fit. Until I noticed a pattern colliding with how much he had throughout the day. He would apologize and rationally explain what was going on in his mind during the argument. While he’s addressed/admitted that he’s an alcoholic and that he wants to stop, he refuses to find a solution. I don’t fully understand it well enough to take a stance. I don’t want to be an enabler, but it’s also still only 8 months in and I don’t feel like I have a right to ask him to. He said it was going to be hard for him to get past and, being the foolish optimist that I am, I told him that I would hold on. my friends have told me that it’s better for for both him and me to walk away and let him figure out his path. Is it selfish for me to stay? I can say that I love him. I know this because of the small things… quirks, the easy we communicate, the perfect fold under his arm for my sharp shoulder blades… the way that I shifted from hating the way he treated me when he was drunk to worrying about it cutting his life short or lowering his quality of life with a disability. We would be fine for a week and then he would blow up about something very small. He’s never been violent… only incredibly hurtful. A few times even claiming that he has no emotions and could care less about me. This is all wiped away with an apology a few days afterward. I’m trying so hard not to take some things he says personally, but it does occasionally tear me down. i don’t know what to do… I want him in my life but is that only hurting him more? I don’t expect a solution or even suggestions… I just need something… some kind of perspective from another person who has been on his side of the road. thank you for taking the time to read this… I’m literally sitting in my apartment, moping after one of these arguments flushed me from his house. I have learned to sit and wait for him to calm down and reach out to me, because rationality goes out the window when I try to reason or even agree… every response I give would be seen as some hidden agenda/manipulation/sarcasm. So I just stay quiet and wait.
Experience with SMART Recovery?
by PeanutButterMurph
Last post
July 2nd, 2023
...See more I'm newly sober again after a weeklong visit to the inpatient psych unit. This time, I want to stay sober. I've tried AA twice in the past and decided it's not a good fit for me. Now, I'm considering attending a SMART Recovery meeting as an alternative form of support. I'm wondering if anybody else has had luck with this group or can share about what it's like. Thanks.

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