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tommy profile picture
Alcohol & Drug Addiction Automated Taglist!
by tommy
Last post
January 11th
...See more Welcome to the Alcohol & Drug Addiction Taglist This thread is an auto-updating list. The list is regularly updated by forum leaders and can be found below. Having issues? Reply to this thread and someone will help you! Why should I join the taglist? ✔ Never miss out on sub-community check-ins, discussions or events ✔ Get tagged and notified by community leaders whenever a new relevant thread has been posted ✔ Become a more active member of the community. What do I need to do? ✅ To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please add me. ❌ To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please remove me. ------------------------- Current taglist as of 26 August (updated by @tommy) @blueFan4699 @braveHuman6773 @jrk27 @Kitamean @PeanutButterMurph @texaswily @tommy @tornwillow @transurvivor @veronikamalik
SoulfullyAButterfly profile picture
Helpful Activities for Recovery
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
August 10th, 2024
...See more What hobbies or activities have you found helpful in your recovery?
SoulfullyAButterfly profile picture
Recovery Journey Tips
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
October 28th, 2023
...See more What tips would you give to someone who is just starting their recovery journey?
determinedSea4370 profile picture
Finally some success
by determinedSea4370
Last post
February 17th
...See more I've made it to day 5 sober, which might seem like not a lot to some people, but this is my longest streak since the summer- and this time I'm winning of my own volition, not because I'm heavily medicated on mood stabilizers.  How did I do this? 2 things that might help someone out there: 1. Can you remember a better period in your life, before you started drinking? Good. People say that you can't turn back time and you have to build a new future for yourself blah blah blah. No. If there was a version of you in the past who didn't drink to cope with life, cling to it. If drinking wasn't even on the menu for you back then, then if you are embracing that past, drinking isn't an option now. Embody that version of yourself in order to move forward. Drinking is no longer even an option because you don't drink! 2. If you had other bad coping mechanisms before the drinking took over, just let them be options again. I'm giving self harm and anorexia the permission to step back into my life, but I've found so far that these are coping mechanisms that are more effort and less pleasant than drinking, so I'm not actually super inclined to restart these. And most importantly... 3. If you are sad or anxious, just accept that you are a miserable person. Just cry or scream or give in to the impulse to run away. Lay in bed or rock on the floor and let the agony wash over you and never look for the end, because you are a miserable person and that's how it is. Allow yourself to fall into your feelings like you're never going to come back out.  4. If you find yourself wishing to kick your own bucket, you aren't accepting your own misery. That's still an escape. It's only through radical acceptance and sinking deep into the feelings that you can eventually find a way out of the pain and out of your bad coping mechanisms, but the key is you can't want or hope to feel better in the moment. So, I'll use yesterday as an example: I broke down sobbing over the art room sink after school. I allowed myself to curl up on the floor and rock and cry. I allowed myself to stare off into space for an hour while the tears wouldn't stop. I drove home crying still. I wanted to drink, but I don't drink. I wanted to self harm, but when I got home I just laid in bed and fantasized kicking my own bucket instead until I went to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night feeling wretched, but I watched some memes- it was stupid, but I felt better even for half a second. And I feel better than yesterday even typing this now- not happy per se, but good enough. The darkness feels like it might never end, but you might find yourself swimming in a shallower version of it if you give yourself some time. 
Patientlywaiting20 profile picture
Scared I’m going to ruin my life
by Patientlywaiting20
Last post
February 16th
...See more I’m really struggling, hanging on by a thread. I’ve already lost my son once got my life semi back on track and it’s all coming crumbling back down. i know I need to find the strength to get sober but I’ve tried most things for 5 years now I always go back to alcohol.  I’ve started to manipulate and turn my family and partner against each other all to benefit myself and get me to be able to continue in my addiction. I put myself and my son at risk, and nothing seems to stop me, i live in complete chaos just waiting for the next time I ruin everything .  I just don’t know when it will end I’ll start to get on track then all of a sudden I’m back to drinking, lying, hiding and deceiving  I hate this life but can’t seem to stop 
determinedSea4370 profile picture
How to quit when you have depression and no support?
by determinedSea4370
Last post
February 14th
...See more I've been actively trying to stop drinking since the beginning of this year, but the longest I've gone is 4 days. I just keep caving because no one around me wants to help me (my parents keep drinking and pushing drinks on me while my friends refuse to see that I have a problem). Even my psychiatrist isn't helping me- she said she was dealing with insurance for my anti-craving medication but its been two weeks and no update. And I'm not even sure anti-craving drugs would work because the root of the problem is that I am so ridiculously depressed- I'm feeling joyless/hopeless/on edge most of the week so that alcohol is my only relief. I have a violent mental breakdown in my car at least once a week in which I plan to off myself. I feel stuck and lonely and full of grief and trauma and maybe this is all the alcohol making me worse, but I can't stop drinking when I already feel so horrific all the time- trying to get through my life without drinking seems impossible. And I know that not drinking won't solve everything because the times I went to the psychward, was ready to off myself, developed anorexia, started putting sharps on my skin,  got massively depressed, had psychotic episodes- that all happened before I started drinking. Drinking or not drinking I am a wreck. Anyone else stuck in a similiar situation?
LilcrowsDead profile picture
by LilcrowsDead
Last post
February 13th
...See more I’m 13 I’ve started drinking at the rate I’m going I’m not seeing my 14th birthday.
determinedSea4370 profile picture
Can't stay sober
by determinedSea4370
Last post
January 15th
...See more I love feeling extremes too much- I love getting drunk and I also in some demented way love crashing like I am now, feeling sick and sleepless with another merciless day stacked up against me when the sun rises. It's like, if I give in and drink, I can acknowledge that yes, my problems are VALID. And then I get to be a little wild for a while while I'm drunk. And then crashing like this prevents me from having a normal healthy night, because I can't seem to find peace in normal. And then I am sabotaging tomorrow so I can be a wreck and have an excuse to breakdown and get no work done. I'm ridiculous and I can't seem to snap out of this self-destruction that seems to be the core of my personality. I went 4 days without drinking before I couldn't stand the anger of other people drinking around me while I had to sit there being sober and feeling nothing but dull anxiety and dull depression. There is something very wrong with me and I guess my new psychiatrist can try to make it better, but I won't be put on meds until I do blood and genetic testing. So, this cycle of 'I want to be better' and 'I want to be sick' continues all the while I am constantly stressed out about my teaching job, haunted by being abandoned by my best friend, and my anorexia's still hanging out in my head and ready to pounce alongside the self-harm, and all the traumas if my past follow me around. How the *** am I supposed to get and then stay sober when there is so many things wrong with me??
determinedSea4370 profile picture
Actually trying
by determinedSea4370
Last post
January 8th
...See more It's nearly 4am again. I haven't had a good night in months. I have to somehow go to work today and function and I can already predict the breakdown in the late afternoon, but I need to stop the drinking cycle. It's never going to get easier. My parents are never going to support me in the way I need to be supported, but I have 1 friend and 2 apps and soon a psychiatrist and a therapist on my side. If things take a bad turn- and they will- I won't be completely alone. 1 day at a time. I'm scared to try to get sober while I'm also working a stressful job, but I need to. If I need days off or I need a longer break for the psychward or rehab or even if I need to quit, fine. Cleaning up my mental health has to come first. I'm not going to let my life continue to be like this and I'm not going to let myself commit suicide. Damn, I'm really tired. And scared. Pray for me, please.
determinedSea4370 profile picture
Admitting I have a problem
by determinedSea4370
Last post
January 6th
...See more Okay, I'll finally admit it: I have a problem with alcohol. I've been drinking daily for about 3 years now. I'm even drinking right now, in the middle of the day. It's not normal to hide alcohol in your closet, to secretly drink in your car or during class, to day drink, to panic when thinking about getting sober, to only like going out to eat because you can get buzzed on good cocktails, to get aggrevated when you're with friends who don't drink and there's no alcohol in the hang out plans, to feel the need to get drunk every night just to get by. I can't go a day without drinking. I tried, last night, but I was stuck depressed in bed all day and my eating disorder was about to refuse me the opportunity to eat dinner and my sensory issues were going to continue to drive me away from my family, so I drank just to feel okay for once in the day. And the worst part is- that's usually the only time I actually feel okay. I swore I wouldn't try another psychiatrist, but I'm scared now that if I take away the drinking, it'll make everything else worse- the eating disorder, the self harm. I might even end up offing myself, knowing how volatile my mood can get and the idea that it could get even worse if I try to quit alcohol scares me. It scares me so bad, that I'm day drinking just to quell my nerves. Anyone else have tips for how to hold yourself together when it gets rough getting sober? Anyone else take meds? Anyone else have other potentially deadly coping mechanisms that were waiting to pounce once you got sober? I'm afraid and I've researched tips on how to quit for hours, but I can't find anything useful.
wonderfulKermit1936 profile picture
Favorite Sobriety Meme thread✨️
by wonderfulKermit1936
Last post
November 30th, 2024
...See more
wonderfulKermit1936 profile picture
Unexpected detours(Grief) and sobriety
by wonderfulKermit1936
Last post
November 15th, 2024
...See more Staying sober during unexpected events are the most challenging for me. I lost my mother three weeks ago unexpected.. It has woken the cravings of wanting to float and numb all my pain. Refraining and retraining my mind during such sadness is an extra challenge. Mindfulness, 🎶, and giving myself space ... is what I'm doing for now. What helps you when you are ready to sink ?  🐸✨️🌟✨️✨️
islandgypsy profile picture
Fatty Liver disease
by islandgypsy
Last post
September 23rd, 2024
...See more Well it's finally happened. My 10 year  journey to stop drinking is getting very real. I just had an ultrasound Monday, 2 days after a very boozy cruise ...and the doc says I have fatty liver disease. I'm so scared. What have I done? I knew better. I've been in and out of AA and many other online groups. I had one year sober during COVID. I can't tell my husband, he will flip out. He is the one who has been really pushing me to completely stop. Woe is me.
easyNest3446 profile picture
by easyNest3446
Last post
September 11th, 2024
...See more Hi everyone. I'm a minor (I wont say my age in fear of being judged) and I'm an early alcoholic. I really want to stop, but I know that since I'm already an alcoholic I'll always be one.
quickwittedPine7815 profile picture
Starting Daydrinking Again
by quickwittedPine7815
Last post
September 11th, 2024
...See more Graduated in May. Jobless. Multiple job coaches, dozens of attempts at networking, debts piling up, No interviews and no end in sight. Dealing with chronic pain on top of everything. I've started day drinking again just to deal with the anxiety and to feel...lighter I guess. Less sad and more bubbly. When I drink I don't have to worry about being sad or depressed, I can feel giggly and fun. A part of me knows it's bad but I have no other way to cope. My usual hobbies bore me. I talk to friends but all it does is make me sad and frustrated. If I had it my way I'd buy a house, go off grid in the mountains somewhere, and drink until the sun came up. I feel like if I stop drinking I'll have no other way to deal. I'm scared of that.

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