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Helpful Activities for Recovery
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
August 10th
...See more What hobbies or activities have you found helpful in your recovery?
Alcohol & Drug Addiction Automated Taglist!
by tommy
Last post
June 26th
...See more Welcome to the Alcohol & Drug Addiction Taglist This thread is an auto-updating list. The list is regularly updated by forum leaders and can be found below. Having issues? Reply to this thread and someone will help you! Why should I join the taglist? ✔ Never miss out on sub-community check-ins, discussions or events ✔ Get tagged and notified by community leaders whenever a new relevant thread has been posted ✔ Become a more active member of the community. What do I need to do? ✅ To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please add me. ❌ To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please remove me. ------------------------- Current taglist as of 26 August (updated by @tommy) @blueFan4699 @braveHuman6773 @jrk27 @Kitamean @PeanutButterMurph @texaswily @tommy @tornwillow @transurvivor @veronikamalik
Recovery Journey Tips
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
October 28th, 2023
...See more What tips would you give to someone who is just starting their recovery journey?
Introduction & Community Check in
by SummerKay2024
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17 hours ago
...See more Hello Everyone 😃 I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is SummerKay(puffer) 🐡✨️ and ive been sober from alcohol and drugs 17 months. I will be here as a forum support leader so would love to hear from you guys. What is something you do to refrain your mindset when you get addiction cravings ?  For me this past week I've been struggling with the idea of relapse ... so I tried sushi and indulged in caramel latte. Listened to music and did some journaling/coloring and mindfulness.  Did not relapsed kept crawling out 🐡✨️✨️✨️
Possible pill addiction , please help (for myself)
by Iamwhoiamwhoami
Last post
2 days ago
...See more I have been taking oxycodone for severe pain for what will be a month, coming up shortly. I have been late on doses and experienced what I read was withdrawal symptoms. Due to legalities I will have to wait another month to get a refill. I will only have a couple of pills left following the 19th which is a surgeon appointment approximately two hours away and due to pain I will actually be doubling my dose by doctors recommendation, for the trip. I previously quit a very heavy alcohol addiction and tobacco addiction with extremely minimal withdrawal. I have never had a pill addiction and what I have seen of others and the wondrous internet and news stories, they really scare me of what I may be up against on top of my issues already. Any suggestions or help ideas?
by easyNest3446
Last post
...See more Hi everyone. I'm a minor (I wont say my age in fear of being judged) and I'm an early alcoholic. I really want to stop, but I know that since I'm already an alcoholic I'll always be one.
Starting Daydrinking Again
by quickwittedPine7815
Last post
...See more Graduated in May. Jobless. Multiple job coaches, dozens of attempts at networking, debts piling up, No interviews and no end in sight. Dealing with chronic pain on top of everything. I've started day drinking again just to deal with the anxiety and to feel...lighter I guess. Less sad and more bubbly. When I drink I don't have to worry about being sad or depressed, I can feel giggly and fun. A part of me knows it's bad but I have no other way to cope. My usual hobbies bore me. I talk to friends but all it does is make me sad and frustrated. If I had it my way I'd buy a house, go off grid in the mountains somewhere, and drink until the sun came up. I feel like if I stop drinking I'll have no other way to deal. I'm scared of that.
Fatty Liver disease
by islandgypsy
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...See more Well it's finally happened. My 10 year  journey to stop drinking is getting very real. I just had an ultrasound Monday, 2 days after a very boozy cruise ...and the doc says I have fatty liver disease. I'm so scared. What have I done? I knew better. I've been in and out of AA and many other online groups. I had one year sober during COVID. I can't tell my husband, he will flip out. He is the one who has been really pushing me to completely stop. Woe is me.
I have a high pressure software job and severe adhd
by considerateSpruce6517
Last post
September 7th
...See more As I’m sure you can gather from the title. I have a stimulant addiction. But I also have a medically necessary reason to have them with my adhd. I’ve tried tapering off and alternative medications but it all comes down to the same thing every time. My work performance suffers so strongly that I risk losing my job and then I would be in a much bigger problem. I just want to not need them as my crutch but I can’t stop them. When I lost my insurance and ability to get my adderall I started buying armodafinil as a cheap substitute from online Indian pharmacies. I just hate feeling like I’m not in charge of the controls anymore. It feels like I’m John Malkovich in the movie Being John Malkovich. I can see everything happening but I’m not consciously controlling it. I could reach out and stop at any time but doing so would throw my life into turmoil.
Drinking to deal with stress
by discreetSail7107
Last post
September 7th
...See more Hi all 👋 I’m struggling with knowing when to stop drinking in recent months. When I’m stressed out, it’s a go to. Me and my partner had some fights recently, some because of him but some because of my drunk behaviour and doing stupid stuff like getting wasted on red wine and coming home at 2am on a weeknight. I know I’m not this person but I’m surrounded by people who abuse alcohol (and drugs) regularly. It’s so easy to just knock the drink back when you’re getting that dopamine hit and the negative dialogue I have with myself goes on mute. I feel like a disappointment to my partner and my self. I don’t like feeling out of control this way. I don’t want to be known as that girl who loves wine. There are loads of more interesting things about me. I guess I’m looking for support or tips for stopping this self-destructive behaviour. Thank you 🙏 
by Jalynn1997
Last post
September 6th
...See more Can't seem to stop smoking. The mood swings, inability to eat and over all quality of life just go down hill when I do. It's causing problems in my life because I'm on probation and I wanna do better and be better but apparently I'm weak...very weak.
Scared Newbie
by ConstantMom
Last post
August 31st
...See more I'm new here and only finally accepting my addiction my struggle and my depression and that I have to get better but doing it alone ! Here to meet new friends or a sponsor or some support :) so excited and scared at the same time x
Addiction!Write your addiction journey whether you are in/recovering/overcame
by NaavyaThePrincess
Last post
August 29th
...See more When we say addiction, our mind automatically goes to addiction in the form of drugs,alcohol,smoke but according to me addiction should also include for example -addiction to sweets , so share addiction in any form,write your thoughts 
Alcoholic Father
by SquishyPig
Last post
August 28th
...See more Hello, may i offer a **trigger warning** for alcoholic father and such with health issues likely to lead to death. My family has come to the realization over the last many years the extent of my fathers alcoholism. We have realized it tore us apart even starting back in(and likely before) my childhood. I have many siblings who attest to this. I remember in middle school my father asking me (emphasis on middle schooler) to try to stop him from drinking. Now as a mid 20s adult. I and my siblings look back on our life and see the chaos he has caused and lack of respect and scars we can barely even notice completely but therapy may help us fully realize on our own eventually. My father has had multiple strokes, at least one heart attack and is stage 3 or later kidney disease/failure. Doctors say he has no memory issues due to the strokes and so on yet my father speaks and behaves so very .... I don't even know the word. It's as if he is blind to his wake of destruction. His marriage with my mother is failing all thanks to himself. My mother put in so much effort even through her naiveness of believing he loved her for more than 20 years, might be on 30 years marriage actually. It's all so devastating. It has made myself and siblings afraid of alcohol especially and we'd never touch other substances. Genuinely at a loss and have felt like I'm grieving the loss of my parents marriage for over a year and a half at least while they are still technically married. Also been grieving the loss of the father I thought I had. I've been stressed about so much else in life too so this has just been the cherry on top to make sure every day of my life is torture. All this is to say the man is still very much alive but in denial and at what cost? I basically feel haunted and gaslit and anything that could fit this situation. It all sucks and holds myself and my siblings back. Not that I don't have sympathy for my mother as I do very much. I just most relate to my siblings and myself and she is on a very valid and good path which I support for her healing and health. I do or did love my father but he is making it sooooooo hard and painful. Anyways. Sorry about this rant. I've been powering through everything in life and this is just one of the biggest things on my plate and I am at a loss for how to not have him affecting me at all yet still wishing for him to actually put in effort to improve. I've left much details out as we have been pushing towards his improvement for years since during covid until now. But generally I have been having to deal with this in some way for my whole entire life since I can remember and I believe his alcoholism which he so strongly denies even still, is the biggest cause and main thing holding him back from actual improvement and I believe will likely kill him. If anyone has nice things to say I am interested although social media hasn't been good to me at all so I may try to avoid socialization as a whole. Maybe just to know I'm not crazy or being dramatic is what I hope for out of this thread. I can also say I have personally for about a year or something (some yesrs ago)had a small battle with alcohol myself although thankfully cut myself off and can have a little every so often (sometimes with extreme fear) with trying to keep myself in check. So I understand it can be hard. Although cannot imagine how it'd be for someone to rely on it for more than 30 years and become such a horrible person due to it then never putting effort towards their own improvement while kinda still saying they care about their health yet, sneaking alcohol from the other people in the house and then watering it down like a child who doesn't know better.(yes he did it though wont admit)
4 years sober from alcohol.
by jonghyunnie
Last post
August 26th
...See more hi everyone! i posted this on the other community but also wanted to come here! i’m a listener on here and today is my fourth year sober from alcohol, and i’m happy to be here! and if you ever need someone to listen to you about addiction, please feel free to message me anytime. it really does get easier as time goes, but we all need support sometimes.

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