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Feeling tired

Gabrielamtineo August 17th, 2023

I was in a class this semester and I gave all of me and my energy so I would pass it with good grades but my principal gave us the final exam for no reason and took out the teacher, the exam was so hard that 20 of our 27 students failed including me. Im so devastated that I don’t know if I want to keep studying, i studied hard and I didn’t see good results so I would think what I’m going to do with my feelings cause right now I have to many that I don’t know what I even feel

toughTiger6481 August 18th, 2023


For a principal to intervene and give a test it should not reflect on the students that did not pass but how well was the course being taught . i do not know the situation of course but had something similar happen it came out that the staff did not have faith in the teacher and needed proof they had covered the course material completely. With such a large fail rate something is not working right

would you have felt good with good grades but not a good understanding of the material?

did you ask/ find the reason for surprise test happened ?

Gabrielamtineo OP August 18th, 2023

@toughTiger6481 Professors work based on a Syllabus which are provided by the department and then are evaluated based on the content found in that Syllabus, therefore what is not in that Syllabus should not be evaluated since the exams are departmental which means that we have questions from professors who have not taught us but are supposed to have taught the same topics as the others. The exam was out of the range What is expected of learning, therefore we came to think that the exam was prepared to fail us, we based ourselves on that theory since the same coordinator confessed that the open slots for people who wanted to go to the next semester were already they were full and they weren't willing to open more sections for others. So they made us fail so there wouldn't be a wave of students the next semester. The teachers don't agree with what they did Since people like me strive for good grades and ending up failing is unfair since we are not guilty of an overcrowding that they themselves created by a bad organization that happened before, the teachers requested a meeting with the coordinator as well as us students to see if they could at least re-evaluate us properly.

A teacher tried to talk to the coordinator to show her that her students were good and made an effort, the point was to try to reach an agreement with her so that they would pass but they ended up in a discussion which apparently in the heat of the moment took the decision to resign, another teacher also felt outraged by the situation and resigned, just as another teacher felt offended by how little valued both our effort and that of the teachers, my teacher is doing everything possible so that she gives us the possibility to re-evaluate ourselves and the only section of students who managed to pass since they were given another exam, apparently because at the time they took it there were places to go to the next semester. The coordinator did not like the good grades and explicitly told the teacher that he should remove some points which caused the average of many to be affected and they failed the class when they had already approved it at first.

toughTiger6481 August 18th, 2023


Well it sounds as if you have some possible reasons .. i was not implying what happened in my situation was the same and frankly a syllabus means little to some who do things their own way which happened in my case

seems counter productive to fail students to avert a wave of people to a certain course.... If teacher resigned there often is more behind the scenes that you may never find out.... Of course other teachers are mad because tehy might feel they are subject to same thing in future...

Gabrielamtineo OP August 25th, 2023

We figured it out, we fought for our rights and thanks god they do something about it and I passed 😁

CompassionateSoul108 September 5th, 2023


I'm really sorry to hear about the challenging situation you've faced in your class. It's completely understandable that you're feeling devastated and uncertain about your academic journey right now. It can be incredibly frustrating when you put in your best effort and the outcome doesn't reflect that.

Your feelings are valid, and it's important to acknowledge and process them. Can you tell me more about what's been going through your mind since receiving these results?