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Working through a Rut

kasmin21 May 1st, 2021

Online classes suck...I used to be a good student. I took a break from school because I learned quickly that studying at home is not for me, because when I am home I do work, be there for my family, and anytime and everything but studying. But the world keeps moving and I need to get backing to studying for my on future. I registered for the fall semester and moved out of my parents place because I know I can never study when I am with my family. Had that problem since high school. I rather stay late at school and study rather then come home a study. Now I am have a hard time concentrating when I open the material. Just need a place to vent my frustration so I can get back to studying. I am in my own apartment, and no more distractions from my family. All I need to do now is to study...but I am having a hard time opening the books...making every excuse to not study...but I need to study...I have to study.

AdvocateHP May 1st, 2021

Hey there, @kasmin21, thanks for sharing this here. I understand what you mean - studying at home is super difficult because there’s always something to do other than schoolwork... And that other thing is usually important, so it’s not like you can just ignore it for schoolwork. So, I congratulate you on moving out to pursue your studies. That’s not easy, but thanks for making your studies a priority! Now hmm... what to do about motivation? Well, I guess, what if you try examining what’s holding you back from studying when you begin to feel yourself making excuses? Everyone has times when they don’t want to do work (I sure know that!), but there’s always a reason for why we feel this way. Consider looking for that reason, putting a name to it, and trying to meet it halfway. Regardless, I know that you can succeed when you put your mind to it! Your past has shown that you have the potential to do great things, and I believe that you can make the best of that potential. Your entire community here feels the same way, I bet :) So, sorry for the long post, but keep pushing! We’ll all be here to see you succeed, and feel free to lean on your community when you need us!

Jaeteuk May 9th, 2021

How have you been doing the past week?

Good for you for moving out. To be able to identify that studying at home with family around does not work for you. I'm kind of the opposite of you, I never was a student with good grades, the only way I could study at home, was with headphones on, playing music. To distract all the other noises in the house, parents talking, making any other noise.. etc. As for myself, working part-time and started school again last fall, online classes work best. I like to be able to work at my own pace, just need to layout the time to meet deadlines.

I agree with @AdvocateHP, it does help if you can identify the reasons behind why you are putting off with your studying. Being able to pinpoint that, you can then work on ways to fight over that. Forms of motivation is different for everyone. Try and find that spark that kept you going in the past as a good student. Once a good student, always a good student. You might have some falls in between, but that goodness is inside you. You can do this, we believe in you!~
