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How to tackle procastination

eskie June 6th, 2016

I procastinate a lot, especially if the task is difficult. How do I tackle this problem? :(

bvbarmy678 June 6th, 2016


Maybe the best way to tackle it is by having something or someone to motivate you.

For me when my mom wants me to clean the house (including my room) I put on music.

It keeps me going.

Malapropp June 6th, 2016

It's rather effective, to decide to do the thing you are avoiding just for a very short time, or otherwise make the starting as easy as possible. When I don't want to do the dishes, I decide to wash ten objects, and I usually end up doing them all. Or I decide to read just one page, or to go at least out ,if don't want go for a walk. And of course I don't have to do anything else. Usually starting is hard and the rest is easier. And I make doing more pleasant and easy. I listen audiobooks when I'm walking and so on.

PacificSunrise June 6th, 2016

@eskie Here are some tips from Brian Tracy who an expert on improving one from procastination. You can check out his blog here. I hope these resources can help you. laugh

amirah95 June 17th, 2016

If u pause to think, your mind will give u numerous resons why not to do it or why you can't do it.

Don't think! Just ACT!

blueTown8541 July 7th, 2016

Start as early as possible, so that you ahve sufficient time to procrastinate inbetween but get everything done as well!

SandyCream July 15th, 2016

I decide to do the thing for a period of time or complete a series of goals , then I get to relax for 15-30mins max and then back at it again. The most difficult thing is getting started , so just begin and dont give yourself a chance to procastinatelaugh

StraightForwardOwl7 July 17th, 2016

So Procastination if a fancy way of saying that one is not being as productive as his or her expectation. The good thing about that is that, well, you do have expectations which you want to live upto. However, more often than not these expectation are way too unrealistic and makes us look way beyond into the future. Well, nothing wrong about it except for the fact that our present self is just not capable enough to live upto that expectation and so we end up doing things which dont even remotely contribute towards us achieving goals that help us to live upto those expectation. Most people will tell you that this is MOTIVATION. Well another fancy way of saying that you need to achieve something and in order to achieve that something, you need something i.e. Motivation.

Now for your answer, how do I stop procastination? At first, stop expecting from yourself. Like just stop looking way too ahead. Have goals. Definitely have goals and stick to them. But dont attached expectations or deadlines to achieve them. Stop looking way too ahead. Instead, wake up every morning and plan your day out. Make sure you balance it out between things you would do to achieve your goals and things that you are supposed to do(include all the errands here). Before going to bed, talk to yourself and see how you contributed towards achieving your goal. If you did invest a tiny bit of time today to work towards your goal, you would feel a bit of satisfaction. This would help you sleep well that way and before you sleep tell yourself that you are going to do better tomorrow. Stick to this and keep doing it, before you know, you will be addicted to this way of life. Your Goals would be attainable and you would start on a journey where you will learn and grow as an Individual. Just let go off the Expectation.