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Get More Out of Your Textbooks!

User Profile: creativeLake92
creativeLake92 February 25th, 2017

Reading books is probably one of my favorite things ever, but when reading is
assigned… Im less than enthusiastic about it. Maybe youre the same. Still, a lot
of the information youll need to earn great grades is locked inside required
textbooks, so youll need to read them eventually.

Professors tend to assign too much reading, though; you usually dont need to
pay super-close attention to everything youre assigned to learn the necessary
information to ace your tests.

In this thread we will discuss how to figure out which reading assignments are
actually worth doing, and itll also guide you through the best strategies for
completing those readings quickly and retaining as much important information
from them as possible.

User Profile: AmyJulianna
AmyJulianna August 30th, 2017

Those are great points! I also like to take lots of notes so that I pay attention to important parts:)

User Profile: mimameid
mimameid August 30th, 2017

Ahaha well, I'm probably one of the odd ones out here but...I almost always read my reading assignments. I consider them all important. Especially if they were for my major classes (wildlife). It's because my professors usually didn't assign a daunting amount though. They'd assign a chapter or two, and I didn't find that too bad, especially since they were subjects I enjoyed (when I was in my later years in college, so of course they were lol). Reading straight through a chapter vs. skimming all depended on the type of book I was reading. If it was one of those textbooks with dry information overloads, then I would usually skim and pick out what was most important. But if they were books with smaller chapters with easier writing style, I'd read through it all once, and then I'd go back and take notes, or I'd stop to take notes as I was reading.

Literature though, that was a whole different story haha. I remember in high school where the teacher would assign an outrageous amount of chapters to read...and you had to get it done the next day?? That was ridiculous lol. And I could almost never get it accomplished.

Good article here, with lots of helpful advice! :)