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peachGrapes6331 September 2nd, 2023

How do I improve my productivity and overcome procrastination?

cindyzheng1344 September 2nd, 2023


Improving productivity and overcoming procrastination requires a combination of strategies and mindset adjustments. Start by setting clear, achievable goals and breaking them down into smaller tasks. Prioritize these tasks and create a daily or weekly schedule to stay organized. Eliminate distractions, whether it's turning off notifications or finding a quiet workspace. Embrace time management techniques like the Pomodoro method, which involves focused work periods followed by short breaks. Cultivate self-discipline and motivation by reminding yourself of your long-term objectives and the benefits of completing your tasks. Don't fear failure; instead, view it as a learning opportunity.

peachGrapes6331 OP September 2nd, 2023

Will try this!!! Thank you so much :D

SoftLily23 September 2nd, 2023

I follow this you can try it as well and do let me know if it works:
1. Breaking your task into small steps and having realistic goals.
2. Setting a timer and finding your best work time and take enough breaks while working.
3. Reward yourself even for completing small tasks
And don't forget drinks lots of water it helps you stay healthy πŸ˜‰

peachGrapes6331 OP September 3rd, 2023

Okayyy will try this also!!! Thankss :D

EnlightenedEarl September 6th, 2023



Everything that has been said so far has been incredible! These definitely work. Having clear goals, prioritising, a reward system, etc. I completely support the daily and weekly goals thing! By having a small and big-picture idea of what you want to achieve can really help to keep things in perspective. Short bursts of study are also great!

A really good method to follow for procrastination is the Pomodoro Technique! I can't explain how much it's helped me. You basically study for 25 minutes, and then take a five minute break. Repeat that 3 times, so four cycles in total making 2 hours. At the end of 2 hours you take a half an hour break! And this process can be repeated as much as you want! It simplifies setting a structure for yourself, and achieves the prioritising, bursts of study, and a reward system. It's a great starting place. You can even find timers for it online.

I wish you the best of luck! You got this 😊😊

Seleni919 September 8th, 2023

I have the same problem

CitrineHearts September 26th, 2023

@peachGrapes6331 I understand the struggle of procrastination well, as I often still find myself doing so ! But there are some ways I had tried to improve my productivity:

-- Work for a set amount of time and taking multiple short breaks in between. By taking short breaks in between, this could eliminate distractions and help you maintain focus longer.
-- Jot tasks down in an agenda book, notebook, or piece of paper. By doing so, you can complete and cross tasks off so you have a visual of what needs to be done.
-- There are some phone apps that are designed to help individuals manage tasks and time. A couple apps I like to use are Forest and Terrarium.
-- Proper exercise and diet; drink plenty of water
and finally,
-- Reward yourself !

I hope this was helpful, let me know if you happen to try any 😁

unicorm September 26th, 2023

some things I go around the day

  • writing down each chunk of the day; what task I worked on
  • having a to do list
  • Having a future to do list

Thank you for the post