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Forum Posting Guidelines Pop-up! Now Live !

Laura May 26th, 2018

Hi Team,

As many of your know, @Anomalia & @Monbon have been working hard to clearly articulate & list all the forum posting guidelines! These guidelines are now listed in every forum text box for your easy reference!

This is what it looks like -

Click through and you get this pop-up...


Lets continue to make the forums a safe place!

MonBon May 26th, 2018

omg omg omg omg! I'm so excited :D :D :D

Laura OP May 26th, 2018


LOL! you found this thread quickly!!!

MonBon May 26th, 2018



Ethan May 26th, 2018

Woo! Easy access pop-up guidelines :D Thanks for the update <3

Erato May 26th, 2018

I love it! c: thank you so much!

Emmur May 26th, 2018

@Anomalia & @Monbon thank you so much for all of your hard work gathering these guidelines! I'm super excited to see this new update. c:

AnyaS May 27th, 2018

Awesome! laugh @monbon @anomalia @laura

soulsings May 27th, 2018

@Laura @MonBon @Anomalia thanks for you all making 7cups a safer place.

RaCat May 27th, 2018

@Laura this is soooooo cool!

Anomalia May 29th, 2018
