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Open, temporary chat requests in a subforum?

hereigoagain March 15th, 2017

What does everyone think about the possibility of temporary classifieds, for when a member is looking for a specific type of listener for a more urgent chat? Not sure if I'm getting across what I mean, but right now is a good example:

I'm feeling upset right now about something that would require a listener to have rather specific knowledge/experience. A general request wouldn't make any sense for this, as none of the categories I can choose covers my issue. A post in the Classifieds Forum would very quickly be outdated (likely not be checked frequently by listeners, either) and I wouldn't want it to stay there for eternity. I tried some more-or-less relevant chatrooms, but they were either deserted or I didn't get support.

Would it be possible/interesting to have one subforum (or perhaps even a new area that available listeners would frequently check) where members can post chat requests with a description of their issue and/or what kind of listener they are looking for AND that expire (are deleted) after x amount of time or when the member wants them to?

HarryC March 15th, 2017


Thanks for sharing this idea, I really like it. The only issues I see with this idea is if you posted in this forum and no one responded. You would then be here waiting for someone to message you while you could have found a listener who could take your chat. When we get really busy it can take time for a GR to get answered and I feel like, this forum may get forgotten about at them kind of times which we wouldn't want.

I really like this idea and if there was a system that could be put in place like this, that would be great. if you haven't already you can put your idea forward in the Member Suggestion Box

hereigoagain OP March 16th, 2017


Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this - I was going to wait if someone else had any input before sending a suggestion.

I agree that a more prominent place than somewhere in the forum would be better, but we can always post there and then go looking for a listener elsewhere - if we manage to at all. When I'm in an acute emotional crisis, I have a very hard time browsing for a suitable listener, and the high risk of getting disappointed and even more upset through a general request is about the last thing I'd need.