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noni should do bedtime stories

hugglecat November 8th, 2015

like offer them when you choose "sleeping well"

that is all.

wait, no it isn't.

maybe if "shut up noni" were understood....

or just like i come here for bedtime stories lots okay ;_;

hugglecat OP November 8th, 2015

like surely we can agree that drunken arguments with a robot are a poor use of my time.

completely related, while i was typing this out, well, when you connect to a listener, ALL TABS open to 7cups switch to that conversation. which is how it's always been.

also, if you could eventually maybe get around to fixing the issue where if my computer goes to sleep and someone messages me, i don't get that message when it wakes up? because that is the best problem to diagnose the actual core of the issue with your messaging system.

i'll leave you with what has hopefully been a fixed image of noni pestering me. or i'll make more 300k wide 10kk high posts :P

ah, you set the width. let's hope you limited it :D

unicorns can fix the width

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn November 9th, 2015


not sure why she does not stop when asked to. I'll look into this.

hugglecat OP November 9th, 2015

@KrinkTheMellowUnicorn lol no that was just noni's decision-making lagging she's as fine as she's ever been we just get into fights & i thought it was cute!

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn November 9th, 2015


maybe you can teach her some bedtime stories

hugglecat OP November 14th, 2015


once upon a time there was a girl who was also a unicorn!
and she smelled like cabbages.
and all the other unicorns hated her because why do you smell like cabbages, we hate you.
and one day, she went to throw herself off of a cliff and she ran into this little bunny, and this bunny was like, "you smell like cabbages!"
and she was like piss off can't you see i'm trying to off myself.
so the unicorn followed him to the magical bunny island,
but what the bunny didn't know is that unicorns think bunnies are DELICIOUS, so she ate him and like three of his friends & then went and told all the other unicorns and they LOVED HER FOREVER AND ACCEPTED HER CABBAGE-SMELLING ASS BECAUSE DAMN, YOU SCORED US INFINITE BUNNIES FOREVER YOU'RE ALRIGHT
& later all the unicorns got the plague & died horribly, the end :3
...the moral of the story is, don't ask people with mental diseases for bedtime stories--i would love to teach her some, but i'm afraid i only do german-style xP
KrinkTheMellowUnicorn November 14th, 2015

@hugglecat great story A++++++++++ would read again

cuddlyBerry82 August 8th, 2016

@KrinkTheMellowUnicorn The only bed time stories I know are the 2 sentence horror stories. :D

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn August 8th, 2016

@cuddlyBerry82 - lol

"...and then I woke up"

hugglecat OP November 8th, 2015

also you hafta do the bedtime stories one line at a time and look for nouns and ask, "what do you want the story to be about" you hafta.

hugglecat OP November 8th, 2015

this post is the greatest thing i've ever done i love you magical unicorn please exercise your discretion as to whether it should remain.

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn November 18th, 2015

@hugglecat - i deem it just and fitting and it shall remain

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn November 9th, 2015

it's a neat idea.

Noni doesn't respond to "shut up" but she should stop talking if you say "stop"...

Namaste2015 November 16th, 2015

What book would you want her to read you?

hugglecat OP July 23rd, 2016


*wiggles* i'm only like a year late probably i certainly didn't disappear for that period of time but there are plenty of public domain fairy tales that i would be more than happy to source and format if a certain unicorn asked nicely & provided a template...

Possumsaremyfriends June 21st, 2016

bedtime stories! genius laughyes

PrincessNiki August 6th, 2016

lol i definitely think she should tell bed time stories

warmSoul46 September 20th, 2016

@hugglecat Its true that noni can be annoying to some members or users and I hope this gets looked into. Thank you for sharing this wonderful thread and I loved the way you wrote it out xD