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Self-Forgiveness - A Short Video Message & Discussion

Laura May 7th, 2015

Watch this 3 minute video of me!It is a video message for all of youon the topic that has been on my mind this week: of self-forgiveness!

To me self-forgiveness is something we all can practice every day! Please watch the video and share your thoughts on this topic here :)

For those of you who don't know me yet, hello! I look forward to hearing what you have to say!

CallmeGomer June 7th, 2015

When something has happened that you had control over all you can do is try not to repeat it. If you allow something to repeat, within your control, then you need to look at it in more detail. You are not learning if it repeats. Your feelings will continue to be negative if the situation repeats. If you were to "foregive yourself" then it would seem that you are OK with the repeated wrong events.

kaksjrmwmtm June 2nd, 2015

This video helped me out. I have so much guilt built up inside of me. Self forgivess seems to be out of the option. or was until this video. now Im going to start working on myself forgiveness

Shiloh30 June 3rd, 2015

Great problem is I'm dwelling on a mistake I made out of letting my emotions get the best of me. I accept it, regret it, and learned not to repeat that again. However, the person I hurt does not forgive me, nor believes anything I say when apologizing. It really puts me down as a person and doesn't allow me to move forward. Any advice?

PamelaJ56 June 3rd, 2015

very helpful

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on self forgiveness. ;-)

Zereza June 3rd, 2015

it's help me. thank you

98emilyxoxo98 June 4th, 2015

This is really true and I think realizing why you did/said something helps. Knowing you are someone completely different is good. It has helped me move on and help grow. I forgave myself and it had been holding down and back from where I could be. Thank you that is so inspiring to think like that :)

BlackWolfie94 June 4th, 2015

The video really helped me start to pin point where my self deprecation comes from. I feel like I let people define me too much. Sometimes its not that I don't love myself, but that the things I love about myself are not always accepted by other people.

I never used to be self consciousabout my weight until someone called me fat. I had never thought that about myself. I actually loved my body before someone spoke out against it.How do you overcome the labels that people place on you? No matter how true or untrue, people's words hurt. Is there a way to love yourself beyond another persons hatred?

Shiloh30 June 6th, 2015

You've got to love yourself, be proud and comfortable in your skin. You're always going to have haters. But that's just a product of their own unhappiness and insecurities. They try to attack those they see as vulnerable. Try to ignore them. It's easier to do if you're confident in yourself. Don't let others define you, because you know who you truly are. Best of luck.

GenerousLychee4993 June 4th, 2015

Wow this is Really Wonderful Laura...Thanks for Sharing was really Helpful to me!!

WulfSweetPea June 5th, 2015

Thank you! I really needed to hear that today. I did something really terrible yesterday that I regretted. Forgiving me and moving on is the only way..

M00nchild92 June 5th, 2015

Gave me a lot to think about

Happysquirrel June 7th, 2015

Thank you for this. I shared it with my facebook friends.

HappyChat June 7th, 2015

Great post. Sometimes I find it hard to forgive myself because I worry that it might make me forget. But I am realizing that forgiving and forgetting are different and letting go of the shame of our past mistakes makes it easier to focus of being better in the future. It also helps me embrace self love. Which I think is the first step to loving others. I appreciate the reminder of self forgiveness.

pinkPerson21 June 8th, 2015

Thank you for sharing this video.

Great advice!

pinkCat5990 July 3rd, 2015

Forgiving oneself is one step but then the challenge is moving forward after letting it go.

123uandme July 4th, 2015

thanks for the video...

Laura OP July 8th, 2015

Sure, was there anything in particular that you learned?

RachelRae143 July 4th, 2015


shyMap8400 September 27th, 2015

It's important to forgive ourselves we all make mistakes

Laura OP October 6th, 2015


Agreed :)

GuideOnTheSide September 29th, 2015

Thank you Laura. What a beautiful message! :)

Laura OP September 30th, 2015


I am so glad you like it !

starfire6915 October 6th, 2015

I think this is beautiful. I know the struggle of self-forgiveness all to well. I have something I'm battling with now. I really don't know how to make it ok. I really don't gel I can forgive my self for this mistake.

Laura OP October 6th, 2015


What holds you back from self-forgiveness? Do you understand what it is?

Laura OP February 12th, 2016


TalkativeIntrovert123 February 19th, 2016

Wow, self forgiveness is something I need to work on!

I have a hard time forgiving myself for the mistakes I've made, especially when I should have known better.

For example, the other day, I actually tried talking to someone ('twas hard because I have social anxiety) and I messed up badly... said some really awkward things... tumbled over my words

.... And I mentally beat myself up for it. I was thinking why did I say that... I sounded like an idiot! blush

This happens often... and it used to get me feeling all discouraged, and sometimes I would stop talking to people for days after it happened. I just couldn't forgive myself for "messing up" like that.

Nowadays, I'm getting better at forgiving myself for being awkward in conversation. I keep talking to people even when I mess up, which is a HUGE improvement on my part!

Self forgiveness is very important because, if we are unable to forgive ourselves for our mistakes, then we will keep feeling bad about the mistake. We're all human, and we were made to make mistakes... it's a part of who we are. It's normal to mess up.

We must all try to remember that it's ok to make mistakes. You just need to get up from where you fell, dust off, and keep on going in life.

Mistakes are our teachers - they help us learn. If anything, when we make a mistake we should try to learn something from it. If we try to learn something from the mistake (even if it's "ok that was bad, I won't do it again"), it will help us grow.

Well, that was longer that I expected... but that's ok! :)

Hope you are all having a great day! laugh

Stay strong & carry on.

B342213b May 26th, 2016

@TalkativeIntrovert123 Agreed! Thank you for posting this!

TalkativeIntrovert123 May 28th, 2016

@B342213b - And thank you for thanking me!

(LOL laugh)

Starchildren10 May 25th, 2016

I am posting so I remember to watch this later. I am always very hard on myself. To a fault. The people who love me most point it out and in that, I feel worse about being so hard on myself, that I apologize to them... It's hard to forgive yourself especially when your actions have caused huge consequences but it shouldn't be hard to not be so hard on myself for the day to day..

cyanPlatypus6370 August 31st, 2016

@Starchildren10 .... hey, just a post to remind you.... have you watched Laura's video yet? It's worth it :) Platy

FantasiaSweetShock May 25th, 2016

For the last couple of weeks I've been feeling crappy about myself about something that I did almost a month ago and this has really been impacting me from moving on and going forward with life. Because I screwed up, I feel like I don't deserve to move forward/taking action towards a goal of mine. It's really hard for me to forgive myself most of the time...

Birdwatching May 25th, 2016

@Laura I have a question is self acceptance part of self forgiveness?

energeticCircle9867 May 25th, 2016

@Laura Thank you for the video; this is something I forget to do and end up beating myself over and over. I discovered another of your videos that I felt went very well with this one, Positive Self-talk & Reframing. Maybe a video on Acceptance could be helpful? Now I'm off to watch all your other videos !!

jr50 May 26th, 2016

I like that, it is so true, living with anxiety makes it really hard, because when I mess up ,I develope a fear that I will always do that, so I tend to shy away from making big decisions, but I like how you said that we should accept that it happened and learn from it, after all none of us are perfect, even though my problem is , I think others expect me to be, my mind plays old tapes of my childhood, time to delete them and make more positive and more helpful ones, thanks Laura!

caseuhhdilla May 26th, 2016

@Laura it's really challenging for me to forgive myself or to accept myself, but it's something that i know i can improve on. i think in my time here, self-forgiveness isnt something ive directly focused on, but now that its come up, i think its something i can get better at

Chiaroscuro1 May 26th, 2016

Thank you for sharing this @Laura. When I try to forgive myself I think of something Dr Maya Angelou said - "When you know better, you do better." You also said something like that (the person you were in that moment). So I try to remember that I did the best I knew how at the time and I am hoping to do better in the future, even while realising that I will make mistakes again and that it is human and it will be okay.

TirelessExplorer May 26th, 2016

Thanks Laura, I really appreciate this video, what you said, what you shared and what you instructed.

Sister3 May 26th, 2016


Thank you for this video. I struggle with guilt a lot. Even if it's not justified, it's hard to let go. It's even more difficult to forgive myself when I truly believe I made a mistake. As others mentioned, it's helpful to imagine my older, "wiser" self (a "friend") talking kindly to me from the past. These kind words of love and acceptance make it a bit easier to soften my heart and be more self-forgiving.

beatricemcdougal July 25th, 2016

Thank you for making this video.This is a difficult concept. I struggle a lot with anxiety from guilt over a whole number of things and very recently have been working on ways to cope with something I did with very little luck. I don't feel I am close to start thinking about forgiveness right now- but will keep this in mind!

xoMorgs August 31st, 2016

@Laura Great video, thank you for sharing! Right now, I'm still in the process of recovery, and so at this very moment, I feel as though I cannot forgive myself for most things that I have done. But I forgive myself for the little things.