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Finally, if you review the app in the google play store OR App store (ratings and text-based review), then please post here and we'll award you 'Listen on the go' badge. Reviews are important because they help us reach more people. The more reviews we get the higher we climb for keywords that people search for when looking for help. Please help us in reaching more people by leaving us a review! We appreciate you
Thanks everyone :)
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updated on May 29, 2020 by Hope
Helpful app
So glad there is an app (:
7 Cups of Tea is like the app/site I wish existed YEARS ago. The listeners are very kind and professional, and being able to access the service through this app (while outside, not stuck indoors on a computer) does wonders for my depression. It's a good no-risk alternative to therapy, if you're the kind of person who is skeptical. But I think it works best as a supplement for when I can't reach my therapist. There's always a listener available when you need one.
Finally, its in android. I dont have to always go to g. chrome to here.
Just added the app. Still learning about it. Hopefully i can use this anywhere
I accidentally pressed the "xx Currently Participating" button, and well, i scrolled down on the list. Does it really suddenly jump up the screen when you go to the last name? :)
I reviewed 2x and never got a badge.
Great app! Thank you for the android version!
It is a good app. It becomes available when no one else cares. It's a friend who can be trusted. It is a place where you can be what you really are.... Don't need to pretend.
It doesn't seem like much, but it's just really really nice to have someone to talk to. And with the app, you have people where ever you are. All we need now is a tea making app. ^-^