Members - Welcome to 7 Cups! Introduce yourself Here!
Welcome to everyone who's joined our lovely community!
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This post is dedicated to welcoming members. If you are a listener, please show support to the members who post here! Listeners can introduce themselves here.
Hi there! We are so excited you joined 7 Cups! Allow us to welcome you by posting in this thread!
Please tell us why you are here and what topic are you seeking support for?
How can we best support you?
Here is a resource you may find helpful: Find Welcome Pack here!
Practice compassion and empathy for yourself and others. Also, on successful completion, get a chance to earn a shiny badge known as "Compassion Hero". Open Here!
edited by ASilentObserver as of Feb 17, 2021
I joined because my health insurance offered it as a mental health resource and even being in weekly professional counseling I still have so much to carry.
I am looking for support because I had been diagnosed with major depression since 2009, but can’t just take medication because of other chronic issues that the meds would interact and bad stuff can happen.
I also am 40 and still single and never married, but I want to be, so I can’t find any people in real life that can understand why I feel so alone. I’m too old for young adult groups, but not old enough to be in 50+ groups, but I am not divorced or widowed. I don’t even have family to lean on, because the ones left just belittle and criticize me. I also am SUPER shy, so it is hard for me to open up to others or meet new people without having something or some person in common.
I know there is the Support Circle for live group chats. But how do those work tome wise? I always seem to come in the middle of it instead of from beginning to end.
and are there any other group chats/discussions besides that? Like ones for specific issues or people groups? If so, where are they and how do they work?
Hello! I'm really trying to make an impact
Hello 👋
I hope I'll enjoy it here! Thanks!! ^^
I am a male who suffers from loneliness and depression. But I know there are many like me and I am happy to listen when someone needs it.
Welcome All
Welcome to all the new members, I hope you can find the support you're looking for! As listeners, we're all here for you, and we appreciate that you had the strength to join 7 Cups and share your experiences with us
@Hope thanks I am so happy to be here, I really like helping people overcome their mental health and I'll be so happy if I am the reason they'll be happy
@Hope so excited!
Hi new comers and members. Happy to help, welcome @Gi0