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Member/ Guest Badges - Your Help Needed

Laura April 22nd, 2015

Hi Everyone!

We are looking to create some new badges for the member/ guest community and we'd love your help coming up with ideas. As listeners, you have a good sense of the types of badges that would feel the most meaningful to our members! The badges are meant to help members feel a sense of pride and accomplishment for their personal growth. Here are a couple of examples:

We are looking for two types of badges:

1) Member Self-Care Badges


Hope - for beginning to believe that my life can be better and different.

Shiny Penny - for understanding - and believing - that people here on 7 Cups like me and enjoy me.

Home - for beginning to feel safe and secure.

2) Listener Nominated Badges


Courage Badge - Awarded from Listener to Member - for being brave and talking about a challenging situation.

Broad Shoulders - Awarded from Listener to Member - forcarrying a lot of the burdento keep their family or friends okay.

Big Step - Awarded from Listener to Member - for taking a risk and moving forward towards change.

Please post your badges here in this thread and also submit them on the spreadsheet linked below.

We want them posted here so we can learn from one another and come up with better ideas.If your badge is selected you will earn the "Icon" badge.

On this spreadsheet, you will find 2 tabs (one for each of the categories mentioned above). Please provide all of your ideas here! We look forward to hearing them! The more the merrier!

Silentlistener97 April 22nd, 2015

I don't know if this fits into any category tbh, but many a times, I've seen members helping others out in the support rooms. Like even though they are going through a lot, they are always so helpful to provide information and help to fellow members, and many of them even take up the role of keeping things in level when a listener or mod isnt around!
If such members, who provide support and spread love in the support rooms could be recognized too, i think it would encourage them?

I'm not sure how effective this would be, but just my though! ^^

Silentlistener97 April 22nd, 2015

Ohh wait, i hadnt checked the spreadsheet lol! This idea is already there so yeah! Oops!cheeky

Dhru21star April 22nd, 2015


miriamsilva16 April 23rd, 2015

A badge for helping a lot of people maybe... im not sure if that's a badge yet, im new lol. A badge for taking a test and getting good results?

fly0princess April 23rd, 2015

A badge for talking to a listener for extended amounts of time. Shows attempt to heal maybe?

catbug April 27th, 2015

Like going back to the same listener regarding the same problem? Trying to work it out?

IndecisiveBeauty April 23rd, 2015

Bedside manner badge

Sebii19 April 23rd, 2015

Maybe a badge for those who write the articles?

plumSpring8017 April 25th, 2015

A badge for being ( patient ) with thepeople, that are reaching out to the listenersfor assistance.

justkismet April 25th, 2015

I think it would be nice to have a listener badge to honor people who do follow ups constantly, because I feel it is important to check on the members and see how they are doing, and I think it really means something when someone remembers you and takes the time to ask how things are and it would be great of the site to recognize it.

I hope my idea will be useful! All the tokensin the spreadsheet are really amazing, especially the member ones!

Reahnatta09 April 25th, 2015

How's your day

Reahnatta09 April 25th, 2015

Ok I love helping who wants to talk

wwwace April 26th, 2015

I think an empathy badge would be a good idea. Where people provide feed back they could nominate person for this. Have differant levels. EG 25 50 100 200 nominatins. Perhaps even up to 1000. This idea stems from last night when I was told to get tough with my own family. Oh what empathy.

AffyAvo April 26th, 2015

Can we get the badges that exist already working?

sweetstillsurvivor April 26th, 2015

I personally love the term compassionate confidante. Read it in one counseling bookbefore. Such a badge would be awesome. A compassionate confidante refers to a person who is compassionate who we pour our souls to which the listeners are most of the timeheart. Thank you

FlowerInDisguise19 April 26th, 2015

I have a suggestion..when a member comes into a chat feeling really bad and the listener helps out, and then they leave the chat feeling good, it could be called "Feeling Good Badge" or "Accomplishment Badge" or "I Feel Better" or "Courage to seek help" omg I'm not good with the names..lool

Rebecca April 26th, 2015

Gave a couple of suggestions!heart

HoneyStarling April 27th, 2015

A badge for coming to 7cups and seeking support instead of Self-harming, self-destructing or negatively acting out.

calmSail8661 April 27th, 2015

Love this idea. I feel there is so much strength in seeking help

YourePerfectDarling April 27th, 2015

Listener Nominated Badges For Member/ Guests

Brave~~For a member who has decided to face his/her fears after being worried

Nominated by two listeners

Grateful~~For a member who has expressed feeling thankful for what he/she has

Nominated by two listeners

Member Self-Care Badges

Daily Visitor~~For logging in everyday for a month to talk to a listener, in a group or to post in the forums


Donator ~~For switching your account from a member account to a listener account



I also put all of my ideas on the spreadsheet, but i dont know if it got saved or not, thank you :)

ShirAhava April 28th, 2015

As a member, I think it would be nice for us to be able to acknowledge other members who have been supportive in the group chats...there often aren't any listeners in there and I would love to just have a way to say thank you!


Supportive Friend the first time they're nominated,

Kind Soul after 5 nominations

and more from there? I don't know I just feel like since so often the wait for a listener is ridiculously long and then the listener you get can be really bad, we rely a lot on other members and they should get recognition for being so kind when it isn't even their role on here.

Toffee April 28th, 2015

I want to start by saying that moments like this, where we can express our ideas in a constructive way to help the community, are always very important. I'm happy to know that our opinions will be considered for something special! Thanks to all community!

Well, here's my suggestions:

1) Listener Nominated Badges

Cornelia - for listeners mothers that dedicateda number of hours "X" to help people.

Ab origine - for listeners who have welcomed a member and continue to support him in the course of time.

Hortensia - for girls listeners that share their experiences to help other members and listeners

{For these badges I was inspired by Latin world:Cornelia Scipionis Africana + Hortensia (orator) & the forms "ab origine" = from the beginning}

2) Member Self-Care Badges

Artemisia - for members girls that are facing a trauma and feel they can overcome difficulties.

Marat - for members that decide to help other members/do voluntary work/
be helpful to the community

licet insanire - for members who do a positive madness that feel them good

{For these badges I was inspired by: Artemisia Gentileschi +Jean-Paul Marat}

I'm sorry for writing errors ^^

NicholasW April 28th, 2015

Well I know this is just my opinion there should be a member badge that is called reaching the very top. I will provide more on the bottom of what I mean. I will provide more.Member badge:Reaching the very top:When a member looks how far they have came and never gave up on anything.Listener badge: Helping a member reach the very top of the mountain.The reason for those two is because I always tell my members to never give up and continue to climb the mountain until you reach the very top. Hope this is a good idea.

Spiderman93 April 28th, 2015

New Beginnings- Listener Nominated badge awarded when a Member has overcome a sticky situation by trying new ways of coping and believing in themselves.

CelestiaStar June 11th, 2015

Superwoman- a badge givenby Listener to a female Member, for taking action against physical and sexual abuse.

Leading Lady- a badge awarded by Listener to female members, for women with children and have gone through an exceptionally hard situation and havemanaged to pull through.

proactiveTiger3409 August 20th, 2015

Did the superwoman and leading lady badges ever become a reality? I have been going through the justice system process for two years, fighting an uphill battle trying to get the police officer who raped me held responsible for his actions. Just reading this short description, I know it would mean the world to me if one of my listeners gave me the superwoman badge!

stewy August 20th, 2015

What a great idea, as always

proactiveTiger3409 August 20th, 2015

Did they ever come out with those badges tho? That would literally make my day or year to get something like that from a listener who cared about me.

AffyAvo August 21st, 2015

How is this going? Have any new badges been implemented?

proactiveTiger3409 January 2nd, 2016

I have not heard anything about progress on this front. I was incredibly encouraged and excited when I learned that the site was seeking input on possible new badges. Please, please do not put this on the back burner. Are there any updates? Several people have asked, but no one has received a response.

AffyAvo February 9th, 2016

@Laura new badges have come out, but whatever happened to these?

proactiveTiger3409 February 9th, 2016

@Laura @Heather I hope these badges have not been forgotten. Many members and listeners put a lot of effort into creating some meaningful badges that would signify true accomplishments here.

CalmWhisper22 November 29th, 2018


Here is the list I sent to Jill.

Brainstorming badge – for brainstorming 5 new forum posting ideas for your community
Patient Farmer badge for persistently growing a subcom
Acceptance Badge – for posting 5 things in a forum that you have accepted and no longer in denial about
Compassion Badge
Thankfulness or Gratitude badge – showing gratitude and thankfulness to 5 listeners or members that have helped you on 7cups.
Never Give Up badge
All for One badge
Empathetic heart
Passionate flower
Sense of humor badge
Badge of Restraint
Funny Bone Badge, for brining Humor to the site
Leadership badge for leading in one area in 3 subcoms
Cross Country Discussion Badge
Santa Claus badge