Bug in "my progress path"?
Hi, @KrinkTheMellowUnicorn,
I hope this message finds you well.
Congrats again to the relaunch of the page. The design and new features helps a lot to have a better orientation and overview!
In the section "my progress path" (listener) one could answer questions. I think there might be a technical problem with this.
I answered several questions there but the answers does not seem to be saved.
Would you please have a look at it?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Thanks for the feedback.
May I ask what is telling you that the answer was not saved?
(I think answers are reviewed before posting, so I want to make sure it's not simply that.)
Thanks for your reply. :)
I did answer some questions a while ago. They were displayed also on my profile as well and I could see them. Now this is not the case.
It is also said "earn 15+ for published answers based on your experience."
I could not see something like this. eigther- That made me think of a bug....
But maybe I m wrong?
It might be a bug, but it might also just be a delay in approval of Q&A answers. Do you know how to submit a support request?
Nope, sorry.
No worries. My chance to explain to you and anyone else who may wonder!
On your Community menu is an item called Support & Feedback.
If you got there and none of the FAQs answer your question at the bottom there is a form you can open up to submit your specific request or question (like finding out if your answers are just not-approved-yet or if they are getting lost!).
Let me know if that doesn't work as I described it or if there's anything else I can help with.