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how long have you been self harm free? (possible trigger warning: SH)

User Profile: 1997Turtle
1997Turtle April 29th, 2015

I've seen this sort of thing on a couple of other sites.

It's to put your accomplishments, relapses or anything you want it to be

you could post every day if you need to or once a month, no accomplishments too small.

and if you relapse, you are strong. and you can do this.

I will try get back to as many people as I can and if you need message me on here.

if this doesn't work oh well, but id like to see it work.

Hope you are liking all the cute cat pictures! [v] here is your next clue, where can you introduce yourself if you're new to the subcommunity this month?

User Profile: taylor2012
taylor2012 August 3rd, 2017

0 days... I relapsed recently which sucks. Before that it was close to 2 months. I didn't have the motivation to keep track though.

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User Profile: LeetheUnicorn
LeetheUnicorn August 12th, 2017


I am sorry to hear that you have relapsed recently, you responded to this 10 days ago, how are you doing now? Anything you learned from your relapse?

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User Profile: Ally515
Ally515 August 5th, 2017

About....3 months?

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User Profile: LeetheUnicorn
LeetheUnicorn August 12th, 2017


Woohoo 3 months is great! Keep up the great work!

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User Profile: Disticha
Disticha August 5th, 2017


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User Profile: LeetheUnicorn
LeetheUnicorn August 12th, 2017


Hey there how are you? Would you like yo share how long you have been free from self harm? 1min Or 1 year it doesn't matter

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User Profile: NamelessFacelessHopeless
NamelessFacelessHopeless August 6th, 2017

A bit more than a month

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User Profile: LeetheUnicorn
LeetheUnicorn August 12th, 2017


Yay! A month is still great! Keep up the great work and stay strong!

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User Profile: CourageousKittyCat
CourageousKittyCat August 7th, 2017

I think it was 3 months? Ever since some time in May. I relapsed after a year in April though

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User Profile: LeetheUnicorn
LeetheUnicorn August 12th, 2017


Congrats on 3 months, I know it must feel difficult to relapse after a year free from it but you are doing great on your recovery journey!

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User Profile: raspberryMoon5394
raspberryMoon5394 August 7th, 2017

three days now, not much of an accomplishment :/ but before that I was at about 2 months so I'm still proud of that

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User Profile: LeetheUnicorn
LeetheUnicorn August 12th, 2017


3 days is better than engaging in self harm! 3 days is an accomplishment! Proud of you

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User Profile: idkanym0re
idkanym0re August 9th, 2017

12 days so far.

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User Profile: LeetheUnicorn
LeetheUnicorn August 12th, 2017


Woohoo! Awesome keep it up! 12 days is great!

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User Profile: Broadwaytrash
Broadwaytrash August 10th, 2017

30 mins ish.. before that it was nearly two weeks so... it's not impressive, I know. But it's progress I guess

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User Profile: LeetheUnicorn
LeetheUnicorn August 12th, 2017


30min is great! Sometimes just remembering that you aren't doing it is better then they length of time!

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User Profile: DoraTheTherapist
DoraTheTherapist August 10th, 2017

I was clean for like almost two months, until two days ago. I didn't really do it though, just one little scratch, so I'm still glad.

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User Profile: LeetheUnicorn
LeetheUnicorn August 12th, 2017


Keep up the great work, and remember relapse can be part of recovery, remember one thing, make you relapses meaningful, learn from them and grow

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User Profile: Lux09
Lux09 August 21st, 2017

I've been clean for... at least more than two years I believe! I've stopped keeping track bc it never crosses my mind anymore.

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August 22nd, 2017

@Lux09 that's awesome!! Keep it up! I am soo proud of you!

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