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Hi. I am Aiko. Nice to meet you.

User Profile: aiko123
aiko123 May 31st, 2019

Hello. My name is Aiko. I have self harmed for 7 years. I self harm due to a long history of abuse (all forms) and bullying. I know that it is weak of me, but I don't know what to do. I had no friends or anyone to turn to. The harming started one night when I was cooking. I was slicing some potatoes and accidentally cut myself. For some reason, I felt I deserved this pain. Confused, I quickly bandaged the wound and proceeded to boil said potatoes. I was able to do so without incident.

While my potatoes were cooking, I noticed the trash was piling up (I know, I am slob). So I grabbed a lighter and went out to burn the trash. After I had stacked the trash, I began to light said trash. I accidentally burned my hand while lighting a paper towel to start the trash. I dropped both the lighter and towel. The towel ended up hitting my foot. I got the same reaction as I did from the cut. Except, now it was also relief. I know I am weak, to have continued to do this. J just didn't know what to do. Well, I am gonna leave now. Bye.