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Relapse has Become Active SH Again

User Profile: blissedNblessed
blissedNblessed January 19th, 2022

I have been SHing since I was about eight years old. This is a basically a life long pattern for me. Towards the end of my SHing days, about 6 years ago, it was so out of control and I needed to stop , for my sanity and health. And I did. For 5 years. 5 whole years ( that's huge for me).

...but then, I started having to deal and face my past abuse and I relapsed because nothing could take THAT pain away. I reverted right back to my old coping that I worked so hard to get rid of. But just once.

Then, that " just once" became again...and again...and again. At this point, I can not, with all honesty, say I am not actively SHing. And in a strange way - to throw this honesty out there - I am not all that upset with myself for doing it again...and that SCARES me. The fact that my scars give me satisfaction - that scares me.

I always end the SH with, this is the last time - but what a joke, it is never the " last time".

I have forgotten all the reasons I wanted to stop SH, forgotten all the coping skills I utilized to stop. And I don't really know if I truly Want to stop. Because it helps. That's just facts - it helps.

But at the same time, more than wanting to SH in order to cope with the emotions and pain ( and self hate and self blame), I want to to get rid of the pain itself. And I Know, SHing Does NOT do that. It's just...the closest thing to it that I have so I just settle for that.

I have a dr appointment coming up that I have been putting off because it is a blood test and they Will see the scars- I hate that shame when another person looks at them. I feel I have to explain then away and laugh - knowing full well neither of us believe the pale excuses that fall from my lips.

And the look - that look of disgust and pity - how I HATE that look.

Is anyone in this situation right now? Or has been and has been able to get themselves back? Back to not SHing, being SH free?

I would appreciate any support or sharing if you relate and any coping skills that worked for you in this situation...or even How you got yourself back to being SH free. Or anything else you would like to share. It is much needed and much appreciated.

Thanks in advance :)

- Blissed ❤️

User Profile: anonyLemon4233
anonyLemon4233 January 28th, 2022

@blissedNblessed sorry for a very delayed response... it sounds like you are a very strong and courageous person if you managed to stop for 5years. It makes me feel like telling you... you did it and got through so you can do this again! The skills may be obscured a bit but they are there inside you!

On the other hand I can imagine how tiring it is and once you allow the urges they start asking for more.

I was just wondering if you have dealt with the abuse in a therapeutic setting? As the first thing that comes to mind here is to ensure you have proper support if you feel this is getting out of hand. When you go to your doctor you could simply express how you feel rather than try joke about it.

It is clear you are in pain and suffering but we need to be supported on these journeys. Would it help maybe trying to connect with a listener here or with a crisis line as soon as you feel the urge? sometimes expressing the feeling may reduce the urge. I used an online crisis chat in my country two weeks ago. Spent quite a while . If you live alone it is even more important to reach out. As often as you need. If you feel like it I'd love to hear back from you