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I need help TW

User Profile: Emily309
Emily309 April 18th, 2021

I’ve been clean for over 2 years. My boyfriend helped me quit. But he broke up with me and I seriously want to harm myself. I’ve thought about it so many times. I want to so badly but I feel like he won’t want me back if I do and I’m too old to be doing that anymore. This is so hard.

User Profile: Amy
Amy April 24th, 2021

@Emily309 Hello! I am so proud of your recovery and staying clean from self-harm for 2 years!

Losing someone who has been supportive of your recovery definitely puts a strain on it and dealing with a breakup is hard on its own already so turning to the coping mechanism is very understandable and the urges can get stronger. Have you been able to talk to someone about the breakup and get some support? How are you coping with it all and the thoughts of self-harm?
Self-harm doesn't discriminate, it doesn't matter how old you are, it's okay to have self-harm thoughts, don't put yourself under even more pressure by telling yourself that you shouldn't be coping with things in this way or for having self-harm thoughts in an upsetting time you're having. I can definitely understand how tough it can be but I am so proud of you for reaching out for support.

User Profile: Mentalizationmind
Mentalizationmind April 26th, 2021

Hey I get that you learned that reaction as a primitive reaction to stress I wanted to say you are not alone