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I'm not sure I want to stop SHing

Kumy September 23rd, 2019

I've been SHing on and off for about 10 years. A part of me wants to stop SHing, because I hate the scars and the feeling of shame that follows the episode of hurting myself. But right now SHing is the only thing that stop the suicide thoughts and I'm afraid that if I stop SHing, then those thoughts are gonna to be worse and I will end un doing something irreversible. And I really don't know what to do. I've never been in this situation before.

aquaClementine2313 September 23rd, 2019


even if you dont want to stop cutting, its important you try to. It only hurts you, and the people who love you.

On terms of it stopping you from doing something irreversible, theres ways to manage that.

Have you tried drawing lines on your body when you feel you need to self harm. It helps

I completely understand how hard it is to stop once it becomes a habit and a coping mechanism. You have done so incredibly well to get this far. Keep going,

i believe in you x

Kumy OP September 23rd, 2019

Thanks for your kind words, @aquaClementine2313

Yes, I've already tried drawing red lines on the places where I wanted to cut, holding ice, punching my pillow and going out and start running. Sometimes they help (specially running and the ice) but there are weeks when nothing makes the urges go away and now I'm in that hopeless place.

aquaClementine2313 September 23rd, 2019


just keep pushing towards those days where you feel ok. Every time you use a technique to stop cutting thats a win.

It will get better, it always does. Just remember you are doing well and you are making process.

I know how hard it is once you get in those places but you can do this and there are people who care and want to support you.