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I can't take it anymore.

Oxymoron6demon July 3rd, 2020

I have been self-harming for the past two years and I want to go get help and to get a diagnosis from a therapist for several things (depression, bpd etc.) but I can't becuase my parents don't know anything about it. I can't tell them becuase my mother constantly belittles other people with mental illnesses in front of me and she says that those people need to getter better before they get mental illnesses (I don't know, it doesn't make any sense). She has also laughed at me when I once gathered up the courage to tell her that I think that I might have depression (about 2 years ago) and I was going to tell her about my self harm but then she was like, "Where did you learn this? The internet? You really are stupid enough to belive that stuff?" So I denied everything that I said. I relapsed today (for self-harm) and I feel terrible. My parents are constantly telling me to be better, and to be faster than other people. My mom screams at me when I want to have some alone time (she says that I'm wasting my time) and whenever I disagree with her on just about anything, she starts to scream at me, then she literaly denies that she even said anything. She once told me that the world woudn't care I died and she has never once apologised. I'm scared and alone. I don't want to self diagnose becuase I know that it's bad and that it's frowned upon but I really have no choice. SometImes I tell myself that I'm just looking for lables and that there are other people that are seriously harmed by these things but other times I feel so mentally depressed. I put on a mask everyday (mostly back when I still had school and before corona) and no one really notices. My ex-best friends mother died a few days before and I don't know what to feel. I didn't know her that well but I still knew her. I mean I went over to her house a lot before and she was always really nice to me. I just don't know anymore. My head is always so loud.

Sorry for the rant. I know it probablly doesn't make any sense and everything is jumbled toghether. I'm also trying to sort out the thoughts in my head. I was in a rush to finish this becuase my parents also don't know about 7cups and if they did, they would probably take it aways. Anyways thanks to anyone who bothered to read through this, it means a lot.

lilacdanceshoes July 3rd, 2020

@Oxymoron6demon You aren't alone. We see you, we hear you, and I think it's safe to say that each of us can understand some small piece of your story. You are not alone, dear heart, you are not alone on this world, and you have so much light and love and brilliance to offer it. You are clearly intelligent, by your writing, and kind, by your care for a former friend.

I know the night is terrible and the darkness is deep and there seems to be nowhere to go but further down, but if you see this, please, please believe - I swear to you, there are good things in the world, and if you seek them they will be found.

Have courage, keep walking, keep breathing - the world has space for you, and you deserve to fill it.

Latim1951 July 27th, 2020

You need to talk with your parents about the problem you are facing right now. There are many different types of help centers are available in which you can get the easy written content options related to health issues. I have tried to get some of the site options which provides the best writing options to complete any writing content in good way and most of the students follow the writing tips through the reviews platform.

Heack1979 May 16th, 2021

These days especially in time covid 19 people are facing lots of depression in life. To entertain me and keep myself busy I ordered this game and trying to take care of myself. I want everyone to take care of themselves and stay healthy.