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Things no one tells you about Self-Harm: Trigger Warning
by Jenna
Last post
September 7th
...See more Everyone mentions the same things when they talk about self-harm. This is what I wish someone told me about self-harm before I fell into its tight gripping claws. 1) It's not only the cuts/bruises/burns/scratches that you have to hide. You have to hide the bloodied tissues, the used band-aids, the band-aid wrapper, and the thing you used to harm. 2) When you shower the dried blood drips out of your band-aid and down your body creating little dark red, almost brown, colored streams. It scares you at first because you think it's opened again. 3) It becomes an addiction. It becomes the only thing that helps. 4) It eventually doesn't help anymore but you keep doing it in the hope it will. 5) Your body will scar and at first, you will like it but eventually, you get sick looking at them. 6) On a bad day, you run out of space. 7) Your band-aids will soak through your jeans or top after a shower and make an obvious square or rectangle patch. 8) They start to smell bad if not looked after. 9) You constantly think about them. 10) Your sleep will hurt and every move you make will too when they are fresh. You act as you like it. You don't. 11) People will never take it seriously enough. 12) They itch like mad whilst they heal. 13) You eventually get frustrated if it has no effect. 14) You don't cry when you do it. You feel nothing. Not. A. Thing. 15) It's so so so hard to escape it. 16) It isn't beautiful. It isn't a fairy tale. It won't help you find love. It is a monster that ruins lives. Please think of all these things before you hurt yourself. You don't want to. I sound like a hypocrite because I do but trust me, you don't want to fall down the dark hole that I and many other people are already in. Put down your fist, blade, lighter, cut your nail short, and get help.
Shine Bright: I am SH-free for ____ Days
by ASilentObserver
Last post
September 1st
...See more Well done! 💪✨  (Number) days free from self-harm is a significant accomplishment.  Please take a moment to acknowledge your strength and resilience and celebrate with us. Here are a few points to reflect on and celebrate:  * What helped you stay strong these past few days? Was it a specific coping mechanism, a supportive person, or a personal mantra? Share your tips to inspire others. * What positive changes have you noticed since being SH-free? Maybe you have more energy, better sleep, or a renewed sense of hope. Reflect on the progress you've made. * What are you looking forward to in the future? Use this milestone as a springboard for setting new goals or focusing on activities you enjoy. * Write a message to your future self: What words of encouragement would you tell yourself for the days ahead? Start sharing with us. We believe in you. 
Summertime Check In
by Kristynsmama
Last post
June 20th
...See more
Things no one tells you about Self-Harm: Trigger Warning
by Jenna
Last post
September 7th
...See more Everyone mentions the same things when they talk about self-harm. This is what I wish someone told me about self-harm before I fell into its tight gripping claws. 1) It's not only the cuts/bruises/burns/scratches that you have to hide. You have to hide the bloodied tissues, the used band-aids, the band-aid wrapper, and the thing you used to harm. 2) When you shower the dried blood drips out of your band-aid and down your body creating little dark red, almost brown, colored streams. It scares you at first because you think it's opened again. 3) It becomes an addiction. It becomes the only thing that helps. 4) It eventually doesn't help anymore but you keep doing it in the hope it will. 5) Your body will scar and at first, you will like it but eventually, you get sick looking at them. 6) On a bad day, you run out of space. 7) Your band-aids will soak through your jeans or top after a shower and make an obvious square or rectangle patch. 8) They start to smell bad if not looked after. 9) You constantly think about them. 10) Your sleep will hurt and every move you make will too when they are fresh. You act as you like it. You don't. 11) People will never take it seriously enough. 12) They itch like mad whilst they heal. 13) You eventually get frustrated if it has no effect. 14) You don't cry when you do it. You feel nothing. Not. A. Thing. 15) It's so so so hard to escape it. 16) It isn't beautiful. It isn't a fairy tale. It won't help you find love. It is a monster that ruins lives. Please think of all these things before you hurt yourself. You don't want to. I sound like a hypocrite because I do but trust me, you don't want to fall down the dark hole that I and many other people are already in. Put down your fist, blade, lighter, cut your nail short, and get help.
Self soothing
by Kristynsmama
Last post
April 25th
...See more These are some of the things I do to self soothe when I’m having a hard time.  Do you do any of these things?  Are there other things you do to self soothe?  If so, what are they?
146 Things To Do Besides Self Harm
by AWorldofPeaceandHope
Last post
April 24th
...See more 1. Exercise. 2. Put on fake tattoos. 3. Draw on yourself with washable red marker-then take a shower and wash away your pain. 4. Scribble on sheets of paper. 5. Write poetry. 6. Cuddle with a stuffed toy. 7. Be with other people. 8. Watch a favorite TV show. 9. Post on web boards or try answering other people's posts. 10, Think about how "I DON'T WANT SCARS FOR SUMMER!!" 11. Paint your nails a new color. 12. Go out to see a movie. 13. Eating something you can't resist. 14. Do your school work. 15. Write a letter to someone but never send it. 16. Go into chat rooms to talk. 17. Call a friend and ask them to come hang out. 18. Play a musical instrument. 19. Sing. 20. Look up at the sky, and find the moon. Study it. 21. Make your own list of things to do instead of S.I. 22. Buy a punching bag (with gloves. Name it. Then, have a visit with Bob when you need to. 23. Snap a rubber band (hair band) on your wrist. 24. Cover yourself with band-aids where you want to cut. 25. Go to the zoo and rename the animals. 26. Let yourself cry, even if it is hard. 27. Sleep, only if you are tired. 28. Do the exact opposite of what you really want to do. 29. Play with a pet. 30. Smile to at least 5 people. 31. Re-organize and lable your linen closet. 32. Go out and perform one act of kindness. 33. Have a pillow fight with a wall. 34. Knit a scarf. 35. Read a good book. 36. Dress up very glamorous, with makeup to match. 37. Color your hair. 38. Listen to music (nontriggering) 39. Watch a candle burn, but no playing with flames or hot wax. Blow it out when you leave the room. 40. Find someone else you can help. Do volunteer work. 41. Meditate. Track your breathing. 42. Call up an old friend and catch up. 43. Work on a website or start a new one. 44. Have a vivid fantasy love affair with a celebrity. 45. Go somewhere very public. 46. Bake cookies or another favorite food you like. 47. Alphabetize your CD's. 48. Chew gum. 49. Buy a henna tattoo kit. 50. Paint or draw. 51. Rip paper into really small pieces. 52. Give someone a Hug. 53. Write a letters or emails. 54. Talk to yourself, and put it on tape. 55. Hug a pillow. 56. Hyper-focus on something like a rock. 57. Fingerpaint. 58. Scream as loud as you want. 59. Dance. 60. Make hot chocolate. 61. Pop bubble wrap. 62. Play with play dough. 63. Count to 100. 64. Build a pillow fort. 65. Blow up a balloon and pop it. 66. Hug yourself. 67. Write yourself an "I love myself because" letter and keep it. Read it when you feel down. 68. Read things in a different language. 69. Go for a nice long drive, walk, or jog. 70. Complete something you have been putting off. 71. Drink a cup of herbal tea. 72. Fold paper and invent a new origomi shape. 73. Write your memoirs. 74. Build something. 75. Take up archery. 76. Go rock climbing. 77. Take up a new hobby you always dreamed of. 78. Organize bills, receipts, etc. 79. Cook a meal. 80. Go out for ice cream. 81. Buy a stuffed animal. 82. Look at pretty things-like flowers or art work. 83. Create something. 84. Pray or read the Bible. 85. Throw socks against the wall. 86. Make a list of blessings in your life. 87. Go to a friend's house and open up. 88. Take up fencing. 89. Watch an old comedy movie. 90. Call your therapist or make an appointment with one. 91. Talk to someone close to you that you trust. 92. Throw a temper tantrum. 93. Ride a bicycle. 94. Polish silver or jewelry. 95, Start a garden or water your house plants. 96. Re-arrange a room. 97. Feed the ducks, birds, or squirrels. 98. Draw on the walls-or paint with watercolors if you don't want permanence. 99. Play with face paint. 100. Play jacks or pick up sticks. 101. Color with crayons. 102. Memorize a song and sing it. Then, reflect on it's message. 103. Put on boots and stomp. 104. Stretch. 105. Find a butterfly and catch it. 106. Watch fish. 107. Come up with baby names even if you aren't expecting. 108. Go to a public place and people watch. 109. Make a CD of your favorite songs. 110. Name all of your stuffed animals. 111. Go shopping. 112. Get into your PJ's and just veg. 113. Buy cheap teddy bears and take your anger out on them 114. Throw everything on the ground except glass. 115. Go to a loud concert (Make sure it doen't trigger you) 116. Think about your ideal life. What do you have to do to get there? 117. Plan your someday wedding day or upcoming prom. 118. Hunt for stuff on Ebay. 119. Alphabetize your books and magazines. 120. Hunt for your perfect home in the paper or online. 121. Take up Tai Chi. 122. Try to make as many words as possible out of your full name. 123. Count ceiling tiles or lights. 124. Go to the grocery store and buy yourself some flowers. 125. Search for ridiculous things on the web. 126. Google youself. 127. Color co-oridinate your wardrobe. 128. Do a home tan on yourself. 129. Take a hot bath and "be" in the moment. 130. Sort all you photographs. 131. Give yourself a pedicure. 132. Color or scribble over pretty women in magazines. 133. Plan a dinner party with menus and guest list, then carry it out. 134. Go through all your old stuff, and donate to Good Will. 135. Take a walk in the woods and breathe the fresh air. 136. Start a mood journal and write in it every day. Do patterns surface? Track your triggers. 137. Buy yourself some toys and play like you are 5 years old again! 138. Start to collect some thing. 139. Take up kick-boxing. 140. Read a magazine or newspaper. 141. Sew something. 142. Buy a stuffed animal. 143. Take your own dog, or a friend's dog for a walk. 144. Call 1-800-DONT CUT 145. Call 1-800-THERAPIST 146. Read through this list again. This article comes from:
Top 5 reasons for self harming behavior
by Kristynsmama
Last post
April 20th
...See more * These are the top 5 reasons that young adults practice in sept harming behaviors.  Which of these rings true for you?  It can be one of them or all of them.  Understanding why we practice this behavior is a key in long term recovery. * 1.  To release emotional pressure (In one study, 85 percent [] of participants said this was their biggest reason for self-harming.) * 2.  In order to control how they’re feeling * 3.  To get away from intolerable emotions * 4.  As a way of punishing themselves or expressing anger at themselves * 5.  Being triggered by exposure to self-harm relapse in others or in the media.
The Butterfly Project
by SunFern
Last post
April 9th
...See more What is The Butterfly Project? The Butterfly Project is focused on motivating individuals struggling with self-harm to quit it. The idea is simple. The person simply draws a butterfly on their place(s) of self-harm and, if the butterfly fades without them self-harming, it means it has lived and flown away, giving them a sense of achievement. Whereas if they do self-harm with the butterfly there; they will have to wash it off. If that does happen, they can start again by drawing a new one on. The rules are pretty simple: 1. When you feel like you want to cut, take a marker, pen, or sharpies and draw a butterfly on your arm or hand. 2. Name the butterfly after a loved one, or someone that really wants you to get better. 3. You must let the butterfly fade naturally. NO scrubbing it off. 4. If you cut before the butterfly is gone, you have killed it. If you don't cut, it lives. 5. If you have more than one butterfly, cutting kills all of them. 6. Another person may draw them on you. These butterflies are extra special. Take good care of them. 7. Even if you don't cut, feel free to draw a butterfly anyways, to show your support. If you do this, name it after someone you know that cuts or is suffering right now, and tell them. It could help.
SHA #2: "Safe Plan" for people with self-harm issue
by Nagandrzlvn
Last post
March 14th
...See more Hi fighter! Today, I will sharing about how we can control our self-harm destructive habbits into a safety plan if you feel a sensation of negative emotion and you have a desire to do that! These harm minimization strategies aim to either replace self-harm with a “safer” proxy behavior, or to reduce the medical severity of self-harm. 1. Sensation Proxies, strategy to stop hurting yourself by doing something else that feels similar but less harmful. There is snapping elastic bands against the skin or squeezing ice cubes. 2. Process Proxies, strategy to stop hurting yourself by doing something else that gives you a similar feeling or experience, but is less dangerous. There is drawing red lines on the skin in the places you would otherwise cut or made a butterfly in your hand and name it by people you love or your bias. 3. Harm reduction, strategy to make sure that if you hurt yourself in the same way, it won’t cause as much damage to your health. There is considering the location of injuries to minimize potential adverse medical consequences (and the provision of basic anatomical information to facilitate this), using sterile blades. 4. Damage limitation, Strategy about how to take care of injuries. There is wound care (promoting healing and reducing the risk of infection), self-management of less medically severe injuries, appropriate help-seeking. I got the sense there is difficult to minimization a self-harm because it's sounds like habbits that daily we use to release our emotion when we in the not good condition. I believe that us can do that by a lil step like using this tips that more "safety" or if you in condition like struggiling it much and have a medical condition may you consider a profesional help! Cheers up cause your not alone there is our community might be can help you! Reference:
Just a little something that’s helped me. 💜
by LoveMyMoonflowers
Last post
February 6th
...See more Hey lovely Self-Harm Recovery community 💙 I hope you’re all staying strong :') I know it’s hard. 💜 It’s hard to stay strong. But you’re here. Your still here today and I’m so so proud of you for that. 💙 I may not know you :') but I’m still grateful for you 💜 and that your here.  Lately I googled for resources and some ‘open letters’ (not sure if that’s what they’re called or not lol) and I found a little something that’s helped me 💙 I thought of sharing it here, in case anyone finds it helpful ^-^  It’s a page called Read this first by LifeSIGNS. 💜 You can find it here [] 💙 Anyways, that’s it really ^-^ I just wanted to share that here. 💜 Sending big hugs your way if okay 💙 Thank you for reading (:  🌙 Ni 🌸 
Songs to Listen to When...
by blossombreathe
Last post
January 8th
...See more Hiya lovelies! Me and the wonderful @Erato thought itd be a nice idea to compile a playlist of sorts as a distraction resource. As we know, many of you enjoy listening to music - so please feel free to add your own suggestions! Weve tried our best to include most genres, so theres something for everyone. Songs to listen to when youre happy: Nine In The Afternoon by Panic! At The Disco [] Would You Be So Kind? by Dodie Clark [] That's What I Like by Bruno Mars [] Pompeii by Bastille [] I Like Me Better by Lauv [] Viva La Vida by Coldplay [] RipTide by Vance Joy [] My Brightside by The Killers [] There She Goes - The La's [] Year 3000 by Busted [] She Is by Ben Rector [] Don't Leave by Snakehips & MØ (EXPLICIT) [] Starships by Nicki Minaj (EXPLICIT) [] That's What's Up by Lennon and Maisy (cover) [] Best Day Of My Life by American Authors [] I Just Wanna Live by Good Charlotte [] Songs to listen to when youre sad: Sick of Losing Soulmates by Dodie Clark (EXPLICIT) [] You Can Be King Again by Lauren Aquilina [] Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons (EXPLICIT) [] When You Love Someone by James TW [] Broken Home by 5 Seconds of Summer [] Amnesia by 5 Seconds of Summer [] Asking for A Friend by Annabel Jones [] Carry on (Acoustic) by Fun [] One More Light by Linkin Park [] Can I Be Him by James Arthur [] Let Me Be The One by Jimmy Bondoc [] Youth by Daughter [] 6/10 by Dodie Clark [] Bruises by Lewis Capaldi [] All We Do by Oh Wonder [] Songs to listen to when youre anxious: The Story Never Ends by Lauv [] Beside You by 5SOS [] Heavy by Linkin Park (EXPLICIT) [] Awake by Secondhand Serenade [] White Blood by Oh Wonder [] Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol [] Lullaby by Mattia Cupelli [] Sight Of The Sun by Fun [] Inside Out by The Chainsmokers [] Somebody Out There by A Rocket To The Moon [] It's You by Henry [] Eyes, Nose, Lips by Taeyang (English cover by Eric Nam) [] A Change of Heart by THE 1975 [] Songs to listen to when you feel numb: Human (Acoustic) by Jon Bellion [] Maybe IDK by Jon Bellion [] Invisible by 5 Seconds of Summer [] Still Breathing by Mayday Parade [] 44th and 8th by Sean Bradford [] Save Myself by Ed Sheeran [] Fix You by Coldplay [] Water by Jack Garrat (featured in "To the Bone" - a Netflix movie) [] Terrible Things by Mayday Parade [] Friend, Please by Twenty One Pilots [] Songs to listen to when you feel angry: My Medication by Papa Roach (EXPLICIT) [] Good Girls 5SOS [] Rabbit Hole by blink-182 (EXPLICIT) [] Happy Song by Bring Me The Horizon (EXPLICIT) [] Stay by Mayday Parade [] Stay Alive by Andy Black [] Therapy by All Time Low [] My Demons by Starset [] This Is Gospel by Panic! At The Disco (EXPLICIT) [] Kids in The Dark by All Time Low [] Light In The Dark by I See Stars [] Oh Well, Oh Well by Mayday Parade [] Brainless by Eminem (EXPLICIT) [] Blasphemy by Bring Me The Horizon (EXPLICIT) [] Jet Black Heart by 5 Seconds Of Summer [] Mz. Hyde by Halestorm (EXPLICIT) [] Wolves of Winter by Biffy Clyro [] Vulnerable by Secondhand Serenade [] Miss Murder by AFI [] Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes [] For those who love listening to Korean Songs: Lonely by 2NE1 [] You Are My Everything by Gummy (Descendants of the Sun OST) [] Say Yes by Loco, Punch (Scarlet Heart Ryeo OST) [] For you by Xiumin, Chen, Baekhyun (Scarlet Heart Ryeo OST) [] Spring Day by BTS [] Miracles in December by EXO [] Baby Don't Cry by EXO [] TT by Twice [] Don't Wanna Cry by Seventeen [] As If Its Your Last by Blackpink [] Russian Roulette by Red Velvet [] Just Right by GOT7 [] Missing You by BTOB [] Thanks for checking out this thread! Please feel free to add more :3 Eras Favourite Music Genres (enquire for more recommendations!): KPOP, Indie rock, Alternative Rock, Pop Rock, Pop, Pop Punk, Calming/Sad Laurens Favourite Music Genres (enquire for more recommendations!): Rock, Metal, Calming/Sad, 80s. Wishing you all the best! Self-Harm Taglist: @Eccho @DanteEntrouvich @blossombreathe @RaCat @Autismaunt14 @CreativeCamp2095 @Derpydingosdancing @finnmarjoram @blissedNblessed @AMusicalSilence @InvaderStitch @RumpleSteeleSkin @kindsoul10 @Ady23 @IndigoPond221 @FluffyKittens86 @wistfulMoon @Dapperdime7735 @321wegolive @Juniter @Azurentz @astray @PhoenixAsh @Erato @raspberryMoon5394 @EnigmaForte @littleCup5877 @Butterflycat @Roseutopia @Zammn @HelpfulAid @LinearWaves @KayaBearz @Tenacity37 @turquoisePine1459 @quietman4875 @peoplej1997 Extra Taggles (this taglist wont be used again): @colourfulSpring22 @Keanan @Joe2017 @Rose @juniperstarfish1 @summertimeSamness @sergo1 @FrankieDylan @zee22 @eyesshut @Anggi @Hope @RenaMinerva @ApplePiney @windflowers @bunnypants @ArwaS So you have found your next letter [O] This one may be tricker, I challenge you to find this one!
Self harm
by Billie4ever
Last post
August 15th, 2023
...See more Hello I was wondering if continuisly snapping a rubber band on ur wrist is self hard I do it bc I don’t have access to blades. It’s like another way to sh to me is this sh ?
A Self-Harm Strategy
by ZJK
Last post
August 11th, 2023
...See more I found this and thought that I should post it here I hope this helps ❤️ ZJK
by cxdy
Last post
March 29th, 2023
...See more Alternatives to Self Harm Disclaimer: Below is a list of things to do instead of cutting, burning, bruising, or any other form of self harm. Please keep in mind that unfortunately, not everything on this list will work for everyone. So, if you try something and it doesn’t work for you, don’t get discouraged! Some of these choices are complicated, and you might want to utilize the help of a therapist or trusted friend when undertaking them. Recovery is not a process that can be walked through alone, so don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Alternatives for when you’re feeling angry or restless: Scribble on photos of people in magazines Viciously stab an orange Throw an apple/pair of socks against the wall Have a pillow fight with the wall Scream very loudly Tear apart newspapers, photos, or magazines Go to the gym, dance, exercise Listen to music and sing along loudly Draw a picture of what is making you angry Beat up a stuffed bear Pop bubble wrap Pop balloons Splatter paint Scribble on a piece of paper until the whole page is black\ Filling a piece of paper with drawing cross hatches Throw darts at a dartboard Go for a run Write your feelings on paper then rip it up Use stress relievers Build a fort of pillows and then destroy it Throw ice cubes at the bathtub wall, at a tree, etc Get out a fine tooth comb and vigorously brush the fur of a stuffed animal (but use gentle vigor) Slash an empty plastic soda bottle or a piece of heavy cardboard or an old shirt or sock Make a soft cloth doll to represent the things you are angry at; cut and tear it instead of yourself Flatten aluminium cans for recycling, seeing how fast you can go On a sketch or photo of yourself, mark in red ink what you want to do. Cut and tear the picture Break sticks Cut up fruits Make yourself as comfortable as possible Stomp around in heavy shoes Play handball or tennis Yell at what you are breaking and tell it why you are angry, hurt, upset, etc. Buy a cheap plate and decorate it with markers, stickers, cut outs from magazines, words, images, what ever that expresses your pain and sadness and when you’re done, smash it. (Please be careful when doing this) Alternatives that will give you a sensation (other than pain) without harming yourself: Hold ice in your hands, against your arm, or in your mouth Run your hands under freezing cold water Snap a rubber band or hair band against your wrist Clap your hands until it stings Wax your legs Drink freezing cold water Splash your face with cold water Put PVA/Elmer’s glue on your hands then peel it off Massage where you want to hurt yourself Take a hot shower/bath Jump up and down to get some sensation in your feet Write or paint on yourself Arm wrestle with a member of your family Take a cold bath Bite into a hot pepper or chew a piece of ginger root Rub liniment under your nose Put tiger balm on the places you want to cut. (Tiger balm is a muscle relaxant cream that makes a tingly sensation, like when the blood rushes through your arm after you sit on it for a while) Alternatives that will distract you or take up time: Say “I’ll self harm in fifteen minutes if I still want to” and keep going for periods of fifteen minutes until the urge fades Color your hair Count up to ten getting louder until you are screaming Sing on the karaoke machine Complete something you’ve been putting off Take up a new hobby Make a cup of tea Tell and laugh at jokes Play solitaire Count up to 500 or 1000 Surf the net Make as many words out of your full name as possible Count ceiling tiles or lights Search ridiculous things on the web Color code your wardrobe Play with toys, such as a slinky Go to the park and play on the swings Call up an old friend Go “people watching” Carry safe, rather than sharp, things in your pockets Do school work Play a musical instrument Watch TV or a movie Paint your nails Alphabetize your CDs or books Cook Make origami to occupy your hands Doodle on sheets of paper Dress up or try on old clothes Play computer games or painting programs, such as Photoshop Write out lyrics to your favorite song Play a sport Read a book/magazine Do a crossword Draw a comic strip Make a chain link out of paper counting the hours or days you’ve been self harm free using pretty colored paper Knit, sew, or make a necklace Make ‘scoobies’ - braid pieces of plastic or lace, to keep your hands busy Buy a plant and take care of it Hunt for things on eBay or Amazon Browse forums Go shopping Memorize a poem with meaning Learn to swear in another language Look up words in a dictionary Play hide-and-seek with your siblings Go outside and watch the clouds roll by Plan a party Find out if any concerts will be in your area Make your own dance routine Trace your hand on a piece of paper; on your thumb, write something you like to look at; on your index finger, write something you like to touch; on your middle finger, write your favorite scent; on your ring finger, write something you like the taste of; on your pinky finger, write something you like to listen to; on your palm, write something you like about yourself Plan regular activities for your most difficult time of day Finish homework before it’s due Take a break from mental processing Notice black and white thinking Get out on your own, get away from the stress Go on YouTube Make a scrapbook Color in a picture or coloring book. Make a phone list of people you can call for support. Allow yourself to use it. Pay attention to your breathing (breath slowly, in through your nose and out through your mouth) Pay attention to the rhythmic motions of your body (walking, stretching, etc.) Learn HALT signals (hungry, angry, lonely, tired) Choose a random object, like a paper clip, and try to list 30 different uses for it Pick a subject and research it on the web - alternatively, pick something to research and then keep clicking on links, trying to get as far away from the original topic as you can. Take a small step towards a goal you have. Alternatives that are completely bizarre. At the least, you’ll have a laugh: Crawl on all fours and bark like a dog or another animal Run around outside screaming Laugh for no reason whatsoever Make funny faces in a mirror Without turning orange, self tan Pluck your eyebrows Put faces on apples, oranges, or other sorts of food Go to the zoo and name all of the animals Color on the walls Blow bubbles Pull weeds in the garden Alternatives for when you’re feeling guilty, sad, or lonely: Congratulate yourself on each minute you go without self harming Draw or paint Look at the sky Instead of punishing yourself by self harming, punish yourself by not self harming Call a friend and ask for company Buy a cuddly toy Give someone a hug with a smile Put a face mask on Watch a favorite TV show or movie Eat something ridiculously sweet Remember a happy moment and relive it for a while in your head Treat yourself to some chocolate Try to imagine the future and plan things you want to do Look at things that are special to you Compliment someone else Make sculptures Watch fish Let yourself cry Play with a pet Have or give a massage Imagine yourself living in a perfect home and describe it in your mind If you’re religious, read the bible or pray Light a candle and watch the flame (but please be careful) Go chat in the chat room Allow yourself to cry; crying is a healthy release of emotion Accept a gift from a friend Carry tokens to remind you of peaceful comforting things/people Take a hot bath with bath oil or bubbles Curl up under a comforter with hot cocoa and a good book Make affirmation tapes inside you that are good, kind, gentle (Sometimes you can do this by writing down the negative thoughts and then physically re-writing them into positive messages) Make a tray of special treats and tuck yourself into bed with it and watch TV or read Alternatives for when you’re feeling panicky or scared: “See, hear and feel”-5 things, then 4, then 3 and countdown to one which will make you focus on your surroundings and will calm you down Listen to soothing music; have a CD with motivational songs that you can listen to Meditate or do yoga Name all of your soft toys Hug a pillow or soft toy Hyper focus on something Do a “reality check list” – write down all the things you can list about where you are now (e.g. It is the 9th November 2004, I’m a room and everything is going to be alright) With permission, give someone a hug Drink herbal tea Crunch ice Hug a tree Go for a walk if it’s safe to do so Feel your pulse to prove you’re alive Go outside and attempt to catch butterflies or lizards Put your feet firmly on the floor Accept where you are in the process. Beating yourself up, only makes it worse Touch something familiar/safe Leave the room Lay on your back in bed comfortably (eyes closed), and breathe in for 4, hold for 2, out for 4, hold for 2. Make sure to fill your belly up with air, not your chest. If your shoulders are going up, keep working on it. When you’re comfortable breathing, put your hand on your belly and rub up and down in time with your breathing. If your mind wanders to other things, move it back to focusing ONLY on the synchronized movement of your hand and breathing. Give yourself permission to…. (Keep it safe) Alternatives that will hopefully make you think twice about harming yourself: Think about how you don’t want scars Treat yourself nicely Remember that you don’t have to hurt yourself just because you’re thinking about self harm Create a safe place to go Acknowledge that self harm is harmful behavior: say “I want to hurt myself” rather than “I want to cut” Repeat to yourself “I don’t deserve to be hurt” even if you don’t believe it Remember that you always have the choice not to cut: it’s up to you what you do Think about how you may feel guilty after self harming Remind yourself that the urge to self harm is impulsive: you will only feel like cutting for short bursts of time Avoid temptation Get your friends to make you friendship bracelets: wear them around your wrists to remind you of them when you want to cut Be with other people Make your own list of things to do instead of self harm Make a list of your positive character traits Be nice to your family, who in return, will hopefully be nice to you Put a band-aid on the area where you’d like to self harm Recognize and acknowledge the choices you have NOW Pay attention to the changes needed to make you feel safe Notice “choices” versus “dilemmas” Lose the “should-could-have to” words. Try… “What if” Kiss the places you want to SH or kiss the places you have healing wounds. It can be a reminder that you care about yourself and that you don’t want this Choose your way of thinking, try to resist following old thinking patterns The Butterfly project- draw a butterfly on the place(s) that you would self harm and if the butterfly fades without self-harming, it means it has lived and flown away, giving a sense of achievement. Whereas if you do self-harm with the butterfly there; you will have to wash it off. If that does happen, you can start again by drawing a new one on. You can name the butterfly after someone you love. - Write the name of a loved one [a friend, family member, or anyone else who cares about you] and write their name where you want to self harm. When you go to self harm remember how much they care and wouldn’t want you to harm yourself. think about what you would say to a friend who was struggling with the same things you are and try to be a good friend to yourself. - Make a bracelet out duct tape, and put a line on it every day (Or any period of time) you go without self harm. When it’s full of lines, take it off and make a chain out of all the bracelets and hang it up somewhere where you can be reminded of your great progress. Alternatives that give the illusion of seeing something similar to blood: - Draw on yourself with a red pen or body paint, or go to a site such as this, where you ‘cut’ the screen (be aware that some users may find this triggering, so view with caution) - Cover yourself with plasters where you want to cut - Give yourself a henna or fake tattoo - Make “wounds” with makeup, like lipstick - Take a small bottle of liquid red food coloring and warm it slightly by dropping it into a cup of hot water for a few minutes. Uncap the bottle and press its tip against the place you want to cut. Draw the bottle in a cutting motion while squeezing it slightly to let the food color trickle out. - Draw on the areas you want to cut using ice that you’ve made by dropping six or seven drops of red food color into each of the ice-cube tray wells. - Paint yourself with red tempera paint. - 'Cut' your skin with nail polish (it feels cold, but it's hard to get off) Alternatives to help you sort through your feelings: - Phone a friend and talk to them - Make a collage of how you feel - Negotiate with yourself - Identify what is hurting so bad that you need to express it in this way - Write your feelings in a diary - Free write (Write down whatever you’re thinking at that moment, even if it doesn’t make sense) - Make lists of everything such as blessings in your life - Make a notebook of song lyrics that you relate to - Call a hotline - Write a letter to someone telling them how you feel (but you don’t have to send it if you decide not to) - Start a grateful journal where everyday you write down three: good things that happened/ things that you accomplished/ are grateful for/ made you smile. Make sure the journal is strictly for positive things. Then when you feel down you can go back and look at it.
Self Harm Alternatives 💖 (Distractions)
by CalmWaves3939
Last post
March 25th, 2023
...See more Hiya Everyone! 💖 As we all know, self-harm recovery is not linear. There will be ups and downs: good days and bad days.💖 Relapses may happen, but that doesn't mean we are less worthy of recovery. ❤️ Recovery isn't the same for everyone, and there is no time limit on how long it will take to recover. Some people take months and some years, but we all have to start somewhere. 🌺 No matter where you currently are in your recovery journey, I believe this link may be beneficial. It has 5 pages full of different distractions and ways to avoid self-harming. ⭐️ It includes a variety of distractions such as displacement, reinforcing, physical, creative, comforting, constructive, fun, distractions with others and inspiring.😊 If one doesn't work for you, don't give up and give a different one a go when you're ready ❤️ Let me know if you try any and how they work for you! Or if you have any other recommendations, please share 😃 Distractions.pdf ( [] (Please make sure all activities you try are done safely) Here are some examples of what the link includes: squeezing ice cubes, playing with a stress ball, playing with a pet, reading a book, colouring etc.. (If you don't feel ready to look at the link, that is okay, maybe save it for future use?) To be added or removed from the tag list, please click here > Automated SHR Taglist - 7 Cups Forum [] @12kirby12 @1Disawsum @1morday @24Help1 @aar10 @Accentus @AdamantlyFree @adaptableSpring9318 @addierus @admaiorasemper @AdunAde @adventurousComputer9958 @aesonnn @aestheticmaddie @Akor1 @AlexanderSpamilton @alicehasalotofissues @allnaturalBerry @amandaa6360 @Ambitiousthinker7178 @anabellamia1189 @anasierra @AndyKade1018 @Annabanana1014 @AnnaMedicineStudent @anomaly2424 @Antisocial5864 @Aphrodite11 @Armelle12 @ArriaAna @Arrow18 @arrowsgoforward @Aryspencer15 @Asher2343 @asheroo92 @Ashtonlou222 @aspirant111 @AstronomySkies @aszalay @AThingCalledPax @AugustaGeorgia @AuroraBorealis12 @Autismaunt14 @avagraco @aviori @awesumturtlesz @axyc @Ayeeitsnotme @babybatman @babydino69 @bandnerd1002 @BandNerd100201 @bear228 @becca111111 @beniba08 @Bethfarmer @bigscotbearhug @BiMonk @BipolarGrrl @Birdie998 @BisexualVirgo2023 @Bittybot5000 @black1995 @Blackk1tten @BlamingParadox @Blcrss28 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@discreetowl14 @dispost @doctorintrepid @Drummermattrocks @DyingPetals @earthangel222 @earthkid @easyMap6620 @Ecargrace @Ediexo @eggroll17 @ElephantTiger1 @ElizabethEon @elle1508 @ellie455 @emily0303 @Emily328 @Emma6018 @emmadancer @EmmaLou05 @EmoLover03 @emotionalTalker2260 @Enbyowl @enchantedlove @energeticApricot2459 @Eny0 @epitium @esjayalsosj @etharislight @euphoria00 @Evanora @EvilRegalsReadToo @exuberantRaspberries1213 @fairmindedFriend3493 @fairmindedRaspberries1389 @Fakekiwi003 @FallenStar2 @FallenStarss @farahadell @Feathersfall @fireworkdaisies @Flornhope @FloweringBunny @fluffystuff @FranklyMaple @franky2OO0 @freeinqs @FrenchMarbles @friendlyFarm2629 @fullm00n @funfettifrosting @funnyAcres8364 @funnybanana4728 @Gagaintheroom @Gai1Hailstorm @GalaxyParadise01 @gayisok101 @generousKiwi8190 @gentleLove04 @giggleBlossom8905 @girlofmoonsandstars @glowingKiwi @Godsbae @GoneLikeAnAngel @Gothicgirl19 @graciethegreat @Greenbean232 @Greg40 @grej @HannahO11 @Hannasweet16 @happydays447 @Hashib22 @helloSugar5062 @HelpfulAid @Helpme10 @heyitsalli @HeyItsMish @hockey8628 @honestpanda81 @Hope2come @hopefulMoon358 @Hopeisreal21 @Howegeorgia @humorousBeing8966 @HunHansGirl @IcePrincessFaa @IfKpopWasPunk @Iguessradiodreamwastaken @ilysm044 @imthewalrus @Independenttangerine @IndigoRoses @indyajade @InkyOwl @IntellectualCake @intellectualCake2509 @intellectualHuman6814 @IntelligentWheel627 @Ismokereed @itidc @Itinerarium @ItsReganingRain @ItzLeo @Iwannaliveanddream @J1K @J9SA @Jailan @Jamie14 @jane2913 @Jennquiggs77 @Jenny34 @jeyessie @JGfirefly @JinglesJudy @JKDN92963 @Jnyx @JohnCephas @JoyfulUnicorn @juddskittycat @justkeepswimming7301 @JustThatAlien @KaidinJ @Kassy7cups @KayaBearz @Kazuu @kgyt0918 @kindDay278 @kindShade3891 @kindTurtle3738 @KingSnufkin @Kiwi16 @kris004 @Krispykitty12 @laicrose @LauraB1996 @lavender919 @layan12345 @leaveearly2716 @LeLe01 @Lexloveslife @Lilbabygirl @limegreen002 @LinearWaves @listenermegs @littleThinker8794 @live2die1 @liztheloser123 @Logybear @LooneyArtimus @lostgirl1416 @LostInTheWorldT @Love4all525 @LoveableLesbian @LovelyAnathema @Lovelydovee @LovelyOrangeJuice @LovetoGod @LoveYaGod @loyalBirch3538 @LycheeBoba @lydiarklistens @lyricalAngel70 @Madaraismyspiritanimal @Maddheda @Maddison1474 @Mads @mads00742 @magicalBraveheart537 @MandaGPanda @MaoMaoKeira98 @marala11 @mariaquiiroga @Marissa1031 @MaryKay0908 @mayaaaaaaa @mayafbs @Maypanic11 @melancholyk @memelord500 @minitigriss @MinMIn922 @Mint123 @Miraculousiris31 @miraculousKoala374 @Misfitzombie012 @MJLV98 @modestCat9806 @modestVase1408 @mollyviolet12 @Moosewithducks @msishihab @Myneighborwobbuffet @MysteryAnn @MysticalPerson7112 @mytwistedsoul @navyBlueberry2704 @NervyTNM @NevaehRose @neverendingwaves @nicePenny6384 @Nicky47 @Nola1818 @noselfesteemloser101 @notanange @notmyselftoday @NotQuiteBlue @novareckenstein153 @optimisticNectarine3923 @otto123 @Outoftear @Overflowing103 @owo123 @paeoniaa @panwithnoplan @patientVillage6413 @Peachkitten5883 @Penguin5921 @peoplej1997 @persistentTortoise5298 @PessimisticHuman @PGP30 @philosophicalPear3111 @pinkThinker6194 @plushOasis77 @politeHouse5612 @Popa @porter2927 @powerfulEast1407 @powerfulStrings4755 @PrettyDiver @prisonedbear @proactiveSquare5004 @pumpkinpi @PunkyKitty @purpleButterfly24 @purplesnail @QueerChristianTeen @Quietcat2549 @quietHemlock7880 @quietman4875 @quietTalker1488 @QuirkyAnne @RabbitTangerine @Raindropxx @rainysierra27 @RALC20589 @raspberryMoon5394 @rationalComputer3503 @RAWR3 @ReallyNotOkay @rebecca947 @Redhawk6547 @reesesfoundpieces @Renamagz @repeating @repen13 @reservedLemon6875 @reservedTangerine7129 @rexpeter99 @RiverHudson1 @rlpsgf @Ro1172 @robin2705 @rosenova1513 @Roseutopia @rosewater10 @SadAFSeth @Sadgirlforever @SadUnicorn5270 @sailorelix @SaintClrStudent @samgroves02 @Sana6399 @Saskianite @scarletKitten09 @Sewmachine @sewmachine @sgraceroe @shadowmothhh @ShadowTag @ShaunX @shimakie @shymelody @Shyone7834 @sia1325 @SierraLima @SilentWeather @sillyavocado @SimpleMe12 @SisterRaven @Skafa1214 @Skyla @Skyy0 @sleepydandelionbby @Slizzy564 @slytherinstarling123 @Smiler3000 @Smolbear0311 @smolecho @SnippyHam @Snowangels48 @SoftFaith2004 @Softhearted975 @softlysolitude @soniatel @soomin @sorryidontknowaname @SpaceyCasey @starkmechanic3000 @StarriKnight @StarWarsFangirl @stellaadaviss @stellaluna04 @stingray777 @Stitch8989 @straightuplance @strangebagel @StrangeClarity @strawbaerrielix @strawberrmilk @strawberryBubbles5111 @strawberrymilkk09 @sunflowercoffeedate @TechnobladeNeverDies333 @TeresaGreninja91 @thaliomiles @ThatTransDuck @The0Vetoed0System @TheAtticusFinch @TheAutumnWitch @thebermuda @Thegirlwithabrokensmile @TherealJake @TheWeeb @ThoughtfulBlossom @Tommy38 @toothworxx @Totallovatic @TransWolf @Truth22 @turquoisePine1459 @turquoiseSpring4365 @twentyonepilotsclique @Twitch98 @Twotonnetable @unassumingSpruce9514 @Veerlexm @viciimperium @Vikimatous @vikingwolf802 @VividDreamer @Waveywoop @WeepyBlueEyes @WhiteWolfIdiot @Wifidazze @willingSugar9815 @willowgreen22 @Winterisnotmyseason @WitchySalem @WonderfulHart1330 @Xirin @xoBeebosBubsxo @XwonderlandgirlX @yellowTulip3949 @YinYinChan @YouShouldCallMeT @Yovela @Zammn @zebrasarcastic

Hello, and welcome to the Self-Harm Recovery Subcommunity! It’s great to have you here, and we are proud of you for making the first brave step in reaching out for support. This is our supportive, safe and friendly environment, and we are glad to have you here 😃. Feel free to direct any questions to the appropriate leader of our community, which you can find at the bottom of the about section. ⭐️

🌟 Feel free to say hello and introduce yourself! Or if you want to just browse for now that is okay too! Take your time. We have several topics in our community such as the goals and success corner, recovery zone, support area and much more! Please use the relevant topic where appropriate so we can keep our community organised🌟

🌟 Please make sure to read through our community guidelines and browse our resources available 🌟

🌟 To join our community leadership team feel free to look through Here for the requirements and apply to join our team 🌟

🌟 Again, thank you for joining our community, and we look forward to seeing your progress on your journey! If you have any questions, please reach out to the relevant leader 😊

Community Guidelines

These guidelines are inspired by some communities around 7 cups! This is so we can adapt our little family to accommodate as many different life experiences and situations as possible. We recognize we cannot adapt to every circumstantial rule. However, we have outlined some of the common guidelines needed for our community. ❤️

✪ Please do not share any graphic images or descriptions of self-harm tools!

✪ Please do not mention the name of any tools used for self-harm in any area of the self-harm recovery community.

✪ Names of methods of self-harm are allowed to be shared in the group support room, but where possible please try to exchange a method name for the phrase "self-harm".

✪ When mentioning methods of self-harm or potentially triggering details of another topic in the forums, please put a trigger warning at the top of the post so people are able to click away from the post if they would like to. Additionally, please try to find an appropriate place within our forums to make your post. Certain areas are reserved for specific content, so please consider this when making your post.

✪ Pro-self-harm content will not be tolerated!

✪ Please be respectful to everyone, members and listeners alike.

✪ Remember, everyone's experiences are different. Please do not undermine or invalidate anyone's situation because it is not what most would consider "normal". We are a diverse community and have people from many backgrounds, so please always be respectful!

✪ General kindness, courtesy, and etiquette are heavily appreciated!

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