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to much damage and i need to stop tw

User Profile: ana26baka
ana26baka December 6th, 2024

uugghhh why do i do that. now i have major headache. 

whenever i get overwhelmed, stressed, upset or or just feeling rly negative emotions towards myself i just h1t my h3ad many times. ive been sh-ing that way since i was like 10 and im currently 20. but ifc the older i get the stronger the hit. this time there was an immediate headache and today that headache is still present. (i took some medicine to help)

i just wanna stop bc i know the damage can be really bad but im also autistic so when those feelings happen i get so overstimulated that the sh is also a stim, but its injuring so i really cant keep on.😣

User Profile: juliak1968
juliak1968 December 7th, 2024


Hello, One day I drew a nice red heart on my wrist to remind myself to love myself and really get to know myself and improve myself. This 7cups website is just the place where you can do that with the help of Listeners and other members. I also drew a heart on my prison cell window, and stopped punching it. It was the worst times of my life for sure, but I began to write rhymes, poems, and raps and all my words were my way of telling my story in a way that I could finally begin to understand. Keep working at it!!~ i FOUND A WAY TO LET MY ANGER OUT USING FUN POEMS AND RAPS

I'm so happy I took the path I have taken over the past 5 years or so. Prepare to play the game of life and learn how to advocate for yourself without any anger at all. Do a few free anger management groups or online research and just set small goals and then try to attain them. It really needs to be taken a little be with some humor, and its really nice when you learn to control your emotions instead of my emotions controlling me (as they used to do). You should be very proud of yourself for reaching out and finding 7cups website!. You've got this! Tag me any time.

Survival Purpose Emotions Direction, and hope!

Blessings, Day

User Profile: warmheartedEast8265
warmheartedEast8265 December 9th, 2024


1 reply
User Profile: ana26baka
ana26baka OP December 9th, 2024


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