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Whyyy am i doing it? Good question

Sebastian0o0 3 days ago

Tw————- sh why do i self harm? I have no idea i just do i get urges no matter how im feeling and when i do it i *** hate it so much idk why i even get urges in the first place honestly there is no point to these urges and its bugging me out i just randomly one day started getting them in skl and guess what now i get urges every *** day its not even been a week of this *** ive never cut deep enough to bleed however the most painful part of it is trying to hide that *** bcuz it still leaves marks in fact the main reason why i dont cut enough to bleed is bcuz ik it will not go fast ik the marks will last ages

Apeatrice 1 hour ago


(Dropping in to give you a hug.)

I'm here, sebby.Help is availablep

Kristynsmama 50 minutes ago


everyome gets urges for different reasons.  For me it was an outward expression of the pain I felt inside.  Recovery is hard, but it’s definitely possible.  I have not self harmed in over 10 years.  I learned the importance of self love in recovering from SH.
