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Sh free for a month!

Ya067 September 2nd

I’m very happy I was able to stay clean for a whole month. Every time I got the urge, I tried to distract myself from it and it works. I usually just play a game or talk to a friend. I talked to my friend about my mom finding out about my SH and she was really nice about it. Let’s go for 3 months!

toughTiger6481 September 2nd


Congratulations on one month ... glad you set goal of 3 months. 

YourCaringConfidant September 3rd

@Ya067 Wow! Congratulations on one month! 👏 I am so happy for you and happy you have such a supportive friend. Keep at it! I believe in you! Take care and know you have people who care about you and rooting for you. 💙


Apeatrice September 5th


Congratulations on making your 1 month, honey.

Am super proud of you. I believes in you, you are so brave and strong.

(sending hugs and cookies)

Kristynsmama September 7th


wow this is absolutely wonderful to hear!  Overcoming self harm is such a hard thing to do and you are well on your way!  All any of us have is today so remember to take it one day at a time.  Keep up the great work!