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My parents found out yesterday

SunnyFox207 March 13th

Tw just in case

Yea well they found the marks yesterday and I just don't know. It's really been a long day and idk. It was so awkward. i really hope they never mention it again tho ik they will. Tho they only found the ones I made with my nails. If they make me take off my clothing for them to check they'll unfortunately find ones made with a sharp tool and not my nails and I just don't think they would react good to those. Idk just been really like idk out of it after they found out. thats what i was scared of happening haha and now it happened. How fun. I don't even know I just want this to be a nightmare that I can wake up from. And soon. 

Tinywhisper11 March 13th

@SunnyFox207 I'm sorry sweetie 😞 but maybe them knowing now they will be able to get the help and support that you need. It's ok to feel out of it rn. Your biggest fear coming true. But maybe this will work out in your favour. Remember you used sh as a coping method, so getting help for the issues behind it would be a great thing ❤❤ dw everything will be ok ❤ hugs you tightly ❤

SunnyFox207 OP March 14th


My parents wouldn't really be getting help for me and stuff, it would more just like be idk. Idk yet. What they've done in similar situations in the past is just like take away everything but idk. I don't think theres any possible way for this to end up well for me... i really dont know though. 

Thank you for being so sweet and understanding! And thanks for the hugs too! Rarely get those : )

Tinywhisper11 March 14th

@SunnyFox207 😞 I really hope they don't punish you for this, it's not your fault, it's a coping method, for deeper issues/needs. I really hope they are more mature  than that😞

please let me know how things are going, I'm here for you ❤ and my arms are always open ready to hug you ❤❤ squeezes you tightly ❤ how are things today? 

SunnyFox207 OP March 15th


Yea, hopefully they don't punish me in any way for that. And thanks again, your comments honestly make me smile! 

Things are going alright today. I've gotta pack for spring break since on Friday me and my family are going on a trip to somewhere warm for a few days. Really not looking forward to that cause I don't know what I'm gonna wear cause yk they won't make an exception for me to wear anything longer : (

How are things going for you?

Tinywhisper11 March 15th

@SunnyFox207 try have a good time in your holiday ❤ maybe the break away will do you good ❤ don't forget I'm always right here if you need me ❤ we are all here for you ❤❤gives you a giant tiny hug ❤

EmmyMarie06 March 14th

@SunnyFox207  I have a friend who hurts herself sometimes and she says she does it to feel. she just wants to feel something yk? is it the same for you? or is it self loathing? or something else?

I get it though. its already a scary thing to hurt yourself. you know you shouldn't, you know it bad yet you continue to hurt yourself. can I ask you at what cost though? I can tell your nervous. your probably wondering what your parents are thinking. the next steps that might be taken. you don't know what to think. not gonna lie you probably are thinking your parents are ashamed to have a child who harms themselves. I want you to know that your parents love you. you know you are worrying them now. you don't want to burden them right?

no child in a home with parents who love them are ever a burden to their family. your parents are probably going through cohesive amounts of questioning and probably self blame wondering what's making you do this. where did they go wrong? you should approach them. I know its terrifying. the stress of them already knowing is already unbearable. but talk to them. they might try to get you help, and remember there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that. there are medications to help you feel better. and they work too. are you gonna be brave enough to help yourself feel better or keep harming yourself? 

I want you to know that when I come onto 7 cups, I seek out people to help. when I feel drawn to a forum, I click on it and its usually a person who is going through something heavy right now. I just trust my intuition and gut to tell them what I think they might need to hear. your the first where I don't know what to say. you conveyed little deep thoughts and/ or emotion other than fear of what's going to happen next. and that's totally fine. that's why I've asked so many questions. usually I give advice but I have so many questions. I keep having to put myself in your shoes and see how I'd feel if my parents found out I was cutting. anyway I'd love to keep talking with you if you are okay with that? 

SunnyFox207 OP March 15th


Well for me its different every time. Sometimes it's cause I'm numb and wanna feel something, sometimes it's cause there's too much going on and I need to distract myself from it, sometimes it's simply because I'm disgusted in myself and believe that I deserve pain. 

I really am wondering what my parents are thinking, and you're right, I do think that they are ashamed and that I don't want to be a burden to them. But honestly, I don't think they can get ashamed much more than they already were. 

When my mom found out she did ask me why. I sorta told her. I just told her the basic version ofc and left out more parts. But they did go wrong. My parents went wrong a lot of times. And I understand that raising a child is hard, especially the first one, that they've got no idea what was going on or how it would turn out. Problem is, as a child I couldn't exactly do much about that either. This that my mother found out was the more permanent marks, which I only started doing in like 2023. Even before though, I was self harming in elementary school (with just like making bruises and like not as permanent stuff), and they knew about it. All they would tell me was that I'm crazy. That really does stick. There isn't going to be any "help". It just means they found out about it, yet it's still mostly going to be my issue. Means that now someone will just be checking, but it'll still be my issue. I'll still have to figure out ways to hide it and to be the one making excuses. They aren't going to help out with any of that. After all, why would they? It was my choice. Gotta deal with the results now. 

Yea, in the original post I really didn't mention much. Was still numb from it all. Also scared cause I mean yea everything. Just now realized that means I'll need to find other ways now. Thats gonna suck. 

And thank you so much for all that. It really does feel great when someone pretty much can understand what you're thinking. I would really like it if we could continue talking. 

Hopefully I was able to answer some of your questions, sorry if I missed some or if my answers weren't exactly what you were looking for. 

EmmyMarie06 March 15th

@SunnyFox207      I'm glad I could connect with you. I understand if my words brought no comfort. I understand that your going to make mistakes with your first child. I am an oldest child myself, and your parents grow with you. I'm 17, and yk there's just something so independent about oldest children. oldest children are literally test subjects. guinea pigs. while it is okay to accept that parents make mistakes with their kids they have no right to just sit there and not get help for you. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. that's not okay. would you mind if I just stuck around for a while? idk I wanna help you. ik there's only so much I can do but just having a friend can really make a difference. do you feel the NEED to cut? or is it just "welp I can now, so why not"?