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Fighting the urge

needToWakeUpInTheMorning September 6th

Nothing calms me down like giving into that feeling. My mind shuts up for a second and I breathe. Everything seems simpler when the only pain you are feeling is physical. Why is it so addictive?

Apeatrice September 7th


Warm hug if accepted. Sounds like you are going through a pretty harsh time☹️ I'm here for you. Would you like to talk about it?

(p,s I won't be on cups till next Saturday)

Kristynsmama September 7th


im sorry to hear that you are feeling this way.  This behavior can definitely be addictive.  I know that I was addicted to the relief I felt when I self harmed.  I had to find other alternatives to get the relief I was seeking before recovery was possible.  And it was not an easy thing to do.  The good thing is you have your Cups family here to support you on your journey and you don’t have to face the addiction alone.
