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⚠️⚠️⚠️self harm warning for anyone who gets triggered easily I'm going to be talking about self harm⚠️⚠️⚠️

darknightmare21 October 26th, 2023

Hey everyone I'm Travis as you guys and gals all ready know I've been on this app for awhile now and you guys and gals know that I've been self harming since I was 16 all the way to the age I am now 22 I just had my birthday on the 6 anyways there's been something I've been wondering for a few year's now and that is once someone starts to self harm them self's do they ever really stop self harming them self's the reason I've been wondering this is because it's like I can't really stop self harming myself and I'll give you guys and gals some examples okay first I started self harming my self by cutting then when I stopped cutting I started not to eat then when I stopped cutting and I started to eat again then I wasn't sleeping so have anyone who's self harmed them self's really stopped harming your guys and gal's self's or did you just replace it with something else that harm's you or is this just normal or is there truly something wrong with me or is this just a disorder I have that makes me want to harm myself I would really like to know so I would love to hear your guys and gals thoughts on this because I don't want to harm myself anymore in anyway so please please give me you thoughts thank you.

PineapplePickles October 27th, 2023


Travis, first and foremost, I want to acknowledge your courage in opening up about your experiences. It takes a lot of strength to share your feelings and struggles with self-harm. I'm here to listen and support you through this.

It's clear that you've been through a lot, and I'm sorry to hear that you've been dealing with self-harm for several years. It's a complex and challenging issue, and it's common for people to wonder whether they can truly stop harming themselves. I want to assure you that it is possible to overcome self-harm, but it often takes patience and the right support system.

It's not uncommon for individuals to replace one (negative) coping mechanism with another (negative), especially when they're trying to manage overwhelming emotions. This doesn't mean there's something "wrong" with you; rather, it can be a sign of underlying emotional pain or distress that you've been trying to cope with in the best way you knew how at the time. The goal is to turn a negative coping mechanism into positive coping mechanisms.

Recovery from self-harm is a journey, and it may involve seeking professional help, such as therapy or counseling, to develop healthier coping strategies. Remember, you're not alone in this, and there are many people who want to help and support you. There are many listeners here, group chats, and even professional therapists available.

I encourage you to keep reaching out for guidance and strategies to help you on your path to healing. You've already taken a significant step by sharing your feelings here, and I believe that with the right support and determination, you can work towards a life free from self-harm. Your well-being matters, and there is hope for a brighter future ahead. Keep reaching out and seeking help, and remember that there are people who care about your journey to recovery. 🌟

darknightmare21 OP October 28th, 2023

Wow I could not have asked for a better response this was truly really helpful and I just want to say thank you so much for responding to this I really appreciate that and I know I can stop self harming it's just really hard to do with all the things happening in my life right now and I would love to go to therapy I just can't afford it at the moment but being on this app has really helped so I'm thankful for all the  people on here there are so many people that truly care about helping me through my self harming and I appreciate all of them so thanks again for letting me know that there nothing wrong with me because I was really starting to believe that there was so thanks for clearing a lot of my thoughts on the subject and I'm going to beat self harming it's just gonna take more time I guess@PineapplePickles

PineapplePickles October 28th, 2023

@darknightmare21 You're very welcome, Travis. I'm glad to hear that my response was helpful to you. Remember, healing and recovery take time, and you'll face challenges along the way. It's great that you're finding support and understanding on 7 Cups, and there are many compassionate people here who genuinely want to help you.

While professional therapy may be a goal for the future, the support you receive from peers and listeners can be an extremely valuable part of your journey to recovery. You've shown incredible resilience and determination by stating that you're going to beat self-harm, and I have no doubt that with your strength and the support you're receiving, you can make progress toward a healthier, happier life. You can do it!

Please, continue to reach out whenever you need to talk, share, or are seeking guidance. You're far from alone on this path, and there are many who care about your well-being and progress. Keep moving forward, one step at a time. 🌟💪💛

darknightmare21 OP October 29th, 2023

Thanks so much I truly appreciate your kind and caring words and I know I'm going to beat it I just know it and I was going to ask you do you know a listener on here that's really good  to talk about my self harm with because that would be truly helpful so again thanks again for responding to this post your the only one who actually has so I'm truly thankful for that your a really great person and a really good kind soul so thanks for just listening to me for once in my life I actually feel Hurd  💛💛💛💛💛💛@PineapplePickles

PineapplePickles October 31st, 2023


You're welcome. You could try browsing for a listener that vibes with you. Good luck!