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Way to go for self confidence

mystixfurtune July 10th

I never thought I'll go through this one day, i don't like writing about me or talking about me, i escaped every possible way but now I've to write about me on my resume and portfolio. I find it hard in every possible way because i escaped from my career which i was supposed to start and have a good life through it. I left that career and work experience took a couple of year of break as well but still I don't know how to put it when anyone asks why, why anything related to that gap, why related to that education that i had and the why which still figuring it out. Hits me hard enough to loose my self confidence and to believe in myself that I'm capable of anything in my life.

I've tried to escape but i feel like I've a string attached to myself through this fate which was supposed to happen and now I'm nothing but a mess.

Tinywhisper11 July 10th

@mystixfurtune hey it's ok, there are people over 50 that still don't know what they want to do in life. I know it can be scary right now, but I believe the ones who cruise through life, who have no particular path/plan to follow, are the happiest people in life 🙂❤ it's ok to not have a plan ❤

I'm your resume/profile. Turn all negative into positives. Like you turned the job down, cause you were pursuing different options. You studyed and planned hard in those 2 years you took out, to find a career you really want to be part of. And now are ready to move on to the next step/chapter in your career.

I don't know but just turn the negative to a positive🙂 you got this ❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤ good luck sweetie

mystixfurtune OP July 10th

♥️ thankyou for saying this, it means a lot to me. I'll work this out. I'll change this negative to positive, thanks a lot ♥️🥺