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Just reminding me and others a quote.

freshman12 April 24th

"Let them judge you. Let them misunderstand you. Let them gossip about you. Their opinions aren't your problems. You stay kind, committed to love & free in your authenticity. No matter what they do or say, don't you doubt your worth or the beauty of your truth. Just keep shining like you always do"

-Scott Stabile



Thank you for sharing, Freshieee. Great reminder for everyone!💛

Keep Shining✨

freshman12 OP April 25th

Thank you Sun ✨️ 💛 😊

Gettingbettertoday April 25th


I was bullied for 7 years from 6th to 12th grade. In school anyone who thinks poorly of you is a threat. 

It also important to be well thought of at work. Peoples opinion's effect your chances of raises and promotions. 

Then there are social environments. How many times have you invited over someone you don't like?

Some like to pretend they don't care but they will as soon as it effects them. 

freshman12 OP April 25th

I'm sorry that you had to go through such hard times so did I. And you're right about everything else but still you gotta keep reminding yourself about being positive and not letting the pressure take you over no matter what right? I know it isn't easy for you but still it could be like having a quote in your homescreen, some in your cubicle or something you know. Have good hobbies and such you know just back yourself up with good little things. You know better. ✨️

Gettingbettertoday April 26th


"gotta keep reminding yourself about being positive and not letting the pressure take you over no matter what right?"

I can feign positivity but I can't just make myself positive. I drive about 30 min to work each day. For a long time I would play a positive affirmations on my way into work. This didn't help me at all. I think its like trying to fix the foundation of your house by putting on new shingles. It looks good on top but the problem is still there. Being outwardly positive when you are miserable will make other more comfortable. Other than that I don't know. 

I have heard many quotes but i have never been motivated by one. The thoughts are usually just plays on words or wishfull thinking that don't hold up when inspected. 

freshman12 OP April 27th

I wonder what exactlty is bothering you in your life?