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Teen Safety Series: Tip #2

Hope March 25th

Welcome to the second installment of our Teen Safety Series! Throughout this series, we'll be covering a range of topics to educate and empower you to take safety into your own hands.

This week we are highlighting an existing helpful place to get help! It is our trusty 7 Cups help center! You may also know it as support desk!

Where is it located?

You can access it by clicking on your profile picture in the right top corner of your screen then clicking either ‘Report an issue’ or ‘Support’ buttons, both of which will lead you to the 7 Cups help center. On the website you can do the same, click on profile picture in the top left and then click on ‘support and feedback’

What is it for?

As the name implies, it is to help you with all things 7 Cups. There are FAQs pages that answer common questions regarding 7 Cups practices and policies along with ‘submit a request’ option for any additional queries that are not found in FAQ or any support requests such as making a report or an inquiry. 

What are some ways you can get safety support on 7 Cups?


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Heather225 March 25th

Always a solid resource! Thanks for helping keep this series rolling.