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Safety Reminders 🌈

LittleBirdie30 August 7th
Hi Teenieland! I hope this post finds you all happy and healthy! 🩵We want to create a post to remind everyone how important safety is and we can’t emphasize this enough. 7 Cups is an understanding and wonderful community filled with lots of amazing people that can be some of our best friends! But remember, this is still the Internet. 7 Cups has guidelines in place for a reason. No one is above these guidelines and we all have to be safe. 🩵We want to reiterate some basic, but extremely important, safety tips! These go for adults and teens!
  1. Don’t go offsite to chat with anyone! It doesn’t matter if this is Adult-Adult, Teen-ATL, or Teen-Teen. Avoid at all costs!
  2. Don’t share any personal or identifying information with anyone. It’s important to protect yourself and your anonymity. 🩵
  3. If you see something, say something! This can be chats, profiles, forums, etc. Do not be afraid to speak up! If you are going through something, chances are someone else is. You can report (with screenshots!) anything to the help desk! 
  4. You can talk to any of the Admin or Ambassadors about anything you are concerned about. We are here for you and we don’t want you to think you are alone in any of this. If you have more specific safety concerns, you can reach out to @Heather225, @Rebekah, and @Tommy.
If you are interested in joining the Safety Patrol Team, you can find more information and the application here. Thank you for reading this! If you have any tips that you would like to share below, please do! 🩵

*This will be cross-shared in Teenieland forums with Heather's approval.*
HealingTalk August 7th

Thank you for these very important reminders and procedures to follow, @LittleBirdie30

Safety is a pillar of 7 Cups. A key to all its supportive and healing power.

On top of avoiding risks and unpleasant experiences,

If you are safe you can trust

If you trust, you can share

Sharing is crucial to your healing path 

The anazing power of 7 Cups to support you rests on Safety

Safety first!

LittleBirdie30 OP August 7th

@HealingTalk I love that explanation Healing!! 

HealingTalk August 7th

Thank you, @LittleBirdie30 !

Congratulations on your important post!

LittleBirdie30 OP August 7th

@HealingTalk Thank you so much!! 🤗

TU100OT August 7th


Commenting to remember

LittleBirdie30 OP August 7th

@TU100OT Thank you for reading!

Heather225 August 7th


amiablePeace77 August 7th


Thank you for the information! 

LittleBirdie30 OP August 7th

Thank you Peace!