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unable to see important chats

vigneshwaitingtohelpyou December 19th, 2015

Hi ,

i was unable to come online for a few weeks due as there were floods and internet connection got cutoff .before that period i had signed up for a few support teams ( thinking space, feed team ) and the leaders / mentors of those team had contacted me. i managed to login a few weeks back to inform them of the current situation and that i will get back to them with my ideas / solutions as per requirements as soon as things get back to that i have got my internet connection back , i happened to take a few personal requests .then i when i had to contact these listeners , i found that their conversations had totally disappeared from my chat history . i dont remember even the names of the listeners and a conversation contained the links for feed team - which is also lost now . i would like to know if there is any way for me to get back the chat's which have disappeared from the chat history .thanks

JBlue December 19th, 2015

If there's a way to see old listener chats the way we can member chats it would be really helpful; if there is one I don't know it either!

fluffyUnicorns84 December 19th, 2015

@vigneshwaitingtohelpyou Unfortunately there is no way to get listener chats back, however if you want pop into Listener Support Room --- I am sure people would be happy to give you any links again you need or least where you can get the information.

Happy to hear that you are back, and flooding is more under control .

vigneshwaitingtohelpyou OP December 19th, 2015

i agree with @JBlue . it would be useful if we have a listener chat history either separately / combined with the members chat history .if not for the entire conversations , atleast we should be able to see the listeners to whom we have had conversations .

- @laura, @heather - please look at this

JBlue December 19th, 2015


I had a funny experience lately where I went to talk to a listener and we'd both completely forgotten we'd already chatted 6 months ago! It's less fun/funny when you're looking for someone for a serious reason (I was trying to find a forum mentor to get some offensive posts removed, and I'd chatted with a few on previous similar occasions. Of course, a more streamlined reporting mechanism for that would also help!)

Ace13 December 19th, 2015

Hi! About listener chat history, you could always keep some names in your notes :)

If you need anything related to the feed team, you can let me know here or message JaceOfSpades since they are able to talk with adults!

I hope everything will be alright for you! <3