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listener gone?

falconer42 December 23rd, 2015

what does it mean when a listener disseapers from your conversations and their avatar is black?

Em December 23rd, 2015

Hey! :)

It possibly means that the listener has deactivated their profile. Could also be that they've blocked the conversation with you, I believe.

falconer42 OP December 23rd, 2015

@Em thanks em! i will miss her, but you're such a great listener too, so all is well.

professionalPerspective60 December 23rd, 2015


Hey there!

It does sound like this particular listener has deactivated their account, there could be many reasons for their departure. I welcome you to connect with other listeners, we have loads of wonderful listeners available 🙂

All the best for 2016

falconer42 OP December 23rd, 2015

@professionalPerspective60 thank you. i do have two great listeners to talk to, it was only that i could discuss certain specific spiritual things with her that i will miss her. but i am so thankful to have @em and @booklovingkitten as wonderful listeners.

BookLovingKitten December 24th, 2015


Thank you falconer, you know I'm always here for you. And you can ask me anything.