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Who's the one person you can always go to and you trust he/she with eny thing

Blooker August 6th, 2015

For me well u am still looking for that one person so right now I don't have eny one who I really trust

Eme August 6th, 2015

I'm sorry you haven't found someone that you can really trust. Perhaps one of our Listeners can be that person for you, and if not, hopefully someone in your life will prove to be worthy enough for your trust.

Blooker OP August 6th, 2015


MsJamison August 6th, 2015

My sister - with almost everything. My listener - with everything.

Obliviatequeen August 6th, 2015

My brother and my best friend- with everything 😊

Arvi August 6th, 2015

Nobody in this lifetime!

LemonadeStand00 August 6th, 2015

I had someone I could go to all the time. But then he switched schools... And we haven't really talked much after that. So at the moment, no one.

Coconutice August 6th, 2015

My best friend - Caleb

wittyDay532 August 6th, 2015

My brother and my boyfriend

Brielle224 August 6th, 2015

My boyfriend :)

Wjdan August 6th, 2015

To my God (Allah) because he's the only one who know everything and I trust he will help me and answer my prayers.

doublerainbow August 6th, 2015

My mom. Even though her & I don't talk all that often, I can still trust her with anything & everything. <3

Blueberree August 6th, 2015

Counsellor, boyfriend and mum

SilentGirl2438 August 7th, 2015

My best friend Erika, even though we don't go to the same school anymore, shes always there for me.

agreeableEyes2468 August 7th, 2015

My bestfriend or ex boyfriend Sydney he's amazing and I trust him with everything cause he never judges and does things out of love

Andrea50 August 7th, 2015

7 cups of tea.

and that's it.

HereToHelpYou123 August 8th, 2015

My bestfriend <3

WickedGrim August 8th, 2015

Thankfully, my best mate.