Unfollow 7 Cups feed?
Firstly, I like the feed feature. I think it's a really cool idea. However, and I don't mean this as a criticism, but I'd like to either unfollow the main 7 cups feed, or reduce what I see there. Having so many posts to filter though is a bit much, or is at least for me. Any thoughts? I can see where this would be a great way to publish announcements and such, but maybe break that into two feeds, with the general one being able to be unfollowed if we choose?
I really like this idea, I think it would be pretty cool to have a dedicated announcements feed to help reduce what we have to look for to get our news. At the moment, you can look at the sticky notices on the left of the Feed tab, and also check the community calendar.
Maybe you could put this idea in the suggestion box, I do think it's a good'un :)
(Tagging in @KrinkTheMellowUnicorn for his insight)
@lyra we thought about turning the alerts (the sticky notices you mentioned) into feed items but without stickiness factor in the feed they would scroll away and possibly be missed, so we stuck with basically the existing model at least for now.
Over time it's likely that we'll see event-based content in the feed, so for an example an alert may go up where it always goes and there might also be a feed post about it that will fade into the past along with the rest of the feed. (Just as say you may see something like earning a badge generating an automatic post to your feed.)
definitely do use the suggestion box and the feedback is welcome
we are starting to think more about the "editorial calendar" of the official feed, and it may as suggested make sense to have a quieter or more focused main feed everyone gets and then a busier one people could opt out of. Need to think about this more, as it may come down to just curating that feed well enough that it is valuable and not too busy.
One thing we are using it for now is to repost really good posts from folks you may or may not know yet, to cross-pollinate the community.
Regardless, it is good to know we may be overdoing it!
@michael77 thanks for the frank feedback. we are probably a bit over eager and will take your suggestion to heart as we figure out the best use of these tools.
Thank you. I'm hoping it didn't come across negatively. It really wasn't meant to be if it did.
Not at all!
cc @laura @twish
I'm feeling a bit spammed by the 7 Cups part of the feed myself. Just 2-3 per day would be plenty. And I get a double-dose of a lot of things because it seems like one person I follow reposts a lot of the same things 7 Cups re-posts.
One specific kind of post I'd like to stop are the ones about listeners celebrating when there are no pending general requests. Members who are not also listeners and guests probably don't relate to this kind of post, and moreover it suggests listeners might be happier if fewer people sought their assistance. The goal is not and should not be zero pending requests (that's what would happen if nobody visited the site for help, after all!) but to connect as many people as possible to the help they need. That happens routinely when there are pending requests in the queue, and in fact the site probably runs best when there is some small yet nonzero number of people waiting.
it's great you're pointing out how something like that might read. listeners I think all know this means "everyone who wants help is getting it" but we are experimenting with more a of a shared space in the feed and your empathy for the point of view of someone else is a great lesson for all of us.
Yes, I definitely see and appreciate the intended positive message. It's just that unless you've been a listener who can compare logging in to find zero (or 3, or 8) pending GRs to finding, say, 78 and long average wait times, there's really no true point of reference.
@squib technically, we may also need to look for a way to avoid re-showing the same post or repost, at least in a similar time frame (because old things do sometimes pop up and that's not necessarily bad as contexts change).
right now the way we are doing reposts that might be tricky to pull off, but necessity is the mother of invention, they say.
@michael77 thank you for your feedback on this. :)
We have been working to figure out the balance with the 7 Cups feed and the appropriate number of posts per day! We want it to be something that brings a smile to your day and is not a bother. We have discussed setting up a scheduler, so that the posts would come through at specific times and it would feel less like overload. My hope is that this would improve the experience for you! Till then, we will be sure to reduce the number of daily posts!
If you had to estimate, how many 7 Cups feed posts would you want to see per day?
I already estimated 2-3... I hope others chime in!
Thank you. I was thinking 2-3 would be a good balance for regular/inspiring posts, then however many important news or update informational posts is appropriate for the community. Then again, that's just me. I'll go with the majority rule on this one. :) Still - I see it as a great feature.
Okay - 2 to 3!
Anyone else have a thought on this?