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Listener account became "Unknown"

inneryu July 16th, 2016

Hello. Two listener friends of mine suddenly went to nowhere. Visiting their profile redirects to Browse Listeners page. Hovering their names, it says "User not found". Their forum posts became Unknown. This is very upsetting for me because they're the two listeners I talked the most with, and there is no explanation given to me. Poof, their account is gone and I can't contact them now. Did they got banned or something? Their reputation is fine, one of them even had full 5 stars and some good reviews. Hope anyone can explain what is happening, because I'm feeling empty because of this.

Jack July 16th, 2016


This can happen if a listener deactivates their account, this doesn't means it's gone though, it just won't show up until they activate it again. It's quite common for some listeners to deactivate it for a self-care break.

inneryu OP July 16th, 2016

@Project oh, thank you for the information. They disappeared around the same time, one is two days ago and one is yesterday without any message so this made me super confused.

Jack July 16th, 2016


Well, hopefully this clears up some of the confusion. smiley

WarmChocolateMug July 16th, 2016


Hello! If a listener now appears as Unknown it means that they have either deactivated by their own will, or been rejected.

Also , its possible they sent you a message. But if they deactivated before you saw it, you wouldn't have known too. It will only appear once they reactivate their account.

inneryu OP July 16th, 2016

@WarmChocolateMug if it's not because they deactivated their account, I'm worried that they might get rejected by 7cups. :( thank you for the information.

Phthalo July 16th, 2016

I've heard apparently that several good long-time listeners have been getting taken down for one flase/troll report. So idk

inneryu OP July 16th, 2016

@Phthalo for.. one? really?! for someone who helped many people...? something like a 2 weeks break?

WarmChocolateMug July 17th, 2016


That is entirely possible, for a good listener to be mistakenly rejected. Although I would say that if it was done it was probably to err on the side of caution due to the nature of the reviews etc.

That said, these listeners have a good record and reputation can e-mail 7Cups via to get their accounts back and clear their name. So there are avenues of redress that way too! Good listeners have come back that way too.