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How do I report an active listener?

Menoeceus October 15th, 2023

I'm angry and I want to report a listener. I told this listener that I received a speeding ticket within the last two years and I was worried this would prevent me from getting a good job. They immediately told me that there are children and dogs walking around and I could have hurt them. They then said they could not support me on this and I needed to find another listener. They didn't know about any of the details of my speeding ticket, they just immediately judged me for having a speeding ticket?! So, this active listener cannot listen to someone who has received a single speeding ticket? What has happened to this site?

For your information, I was caught in a speed trap coming back from the beach. I wasn't driving recklessly and there were no children or dogs around. I just want to say that.

Tobias5 October 16th, 2023

You can report them by blocking them (there should be three dots in the top right of the chat that drops a menu down that allows you to do that). There are some other more complex ways to report people here:,the%20action%20on%20such%20reports.. I'm unsure if what they did goes against 7cups guidelines as listeners are allowed to request you find another listener (if done properly). I'd recommend reading through the community guidelines to find a specific rule they broke as it may make the reporting process clearer.

Menoeceus OP October 17th, 2023


You seem to be missing the point. It's not that they recommended I find another listener, it's that they were so judgmental toward a member, especially over something so small as a traffic ticket. If they cannot be non-judgmental toward members, they need to really rethink their commitment to being an active listener.

Lunaire00 October 17th, 2023


I'm sorry to hear that you had this experience with a listener. Their response was not in line with the fundamental principles of active listening, particularly being non-judgmental and open-minded.

Listeners are encouraged to pass on chats they may not feel comfortable with to maintain boundaries for their and the member's well-being, however, it is essential that they do so in a respectful and considerate manner, which, in this case, it seems the listener did not do. 

If you feel that this listener's behavior was inappropriate, you have the option to leave a review of your experience - you can click on the three dots next to the listener's name in the top right-hand corner of the chat window, select 'End Chat' and a window should pop up, allowing you to leave feedback on your experience with the listener. You can also report this incident at the helpdesk here, if you are unable to leave a review.

You have the right to be heard and supported without judgment. I hope you have a positive and helpful experience on 7Cups going forward.